EMT Course: Details, Scope, Colleges, Fees, Eligibility & Jobs

Hi students! In this post, we will deal with a vocational training program that is related to emergency medical technology. Here, we will have an in-depth analysis of Emergency Medical Technician course.


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Here, you will find all the important details that you need to know about this training program. This post covers important details about the course, such as – duration, eligibility, scope, institutes and career prospects. Also check – Medical & Paramedical courses in India.


This training program is popularly know as EMT. There are multiple modules available within EMT course. Two popular modules are – Basic course and Advanced course.


Please note that EMT is a vocational training program. It is not a clinical course! It won’t help you become a nurse or Doctor! This program will help you don the role of emergency medical technician! Also check – Nursing courses after 10th.


Here is an overview of the course –

  • Name of the course: Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • Type of course: Vocational training program
  • Field: Emergency Medical Technology
  • Duration: 3-6 months
  • Eligibility: 12th pass (Science stream, preferably)


What is EMT course all about? What is the scope and potential associated with this training program? What is it like to become an EMT professional? You will find answers to these questions in the next section. Here it is –


EMT (Emergency Medical Technician): An Introduction

As the name suggests, this training program deals with the domain known as Emergency Medical Technology). Emergency Medical Technology deals with the emergency medical care and support given to persons who are critically ill or injured.


In cases of a medical emergency, an EMT professional is the first one to respond! He/she is responsible for providing medical support, care and assistance to a critically ill or injured person!


He/she is also responsible for transporting the person to a hospital or relevant medical facility within the stipulated amount of time! Due to this fact, an EMT professional is also known as Ambulance Technician.


An EMT professional is trained to respond to a situation based on the nature of the emergency. He/she is trained to manage emergencies such as –

  • Emergency due to an illness/disease
  • Emergency due to an accident
  • Emergency due to a natural disaster
  • And more…


He/she is capable of recognizing the type of emergency and respond accordingly. Since an EMT professional is usually the first one to respond to a medical emergency, he/she plays a huge role in saving the life of the concerned person(s)!


An EMT professional is trained in areas such as –

  • Identification of the nature of emergency
  • Emergency management
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Emergency Procedures
  • First Aid
  • Medical Equipment
  • Communication Skills
  • Patient Care


Let us take a closer look at the course details. Here it is –


EMT Course Details


Type of course

It is a vocational training program.



Course duration may vary from one institute to another. It could be anywhere between 3-6 months.


Eligibility Criteria

12th pass (with Science stream, preferably) from a recognized board.


Training Institutes

This vocational training program is being offered under many Government skill development programs, schemes and missions. Many Hospitals and Medical facilities are also known to offer this program under domain skilling and skill development missions.



Here are some of the important subjects present in the curriculum –

  • Identification of the nature of emergency
  • Emergency management
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Emergency Procedures
  • First Aid
  • Medical Equipment
  • Communication Skills
  • Patient Care


Emergency Medical Technician scope & jobs

After completing this course, you will be able to apply for Government jobs as well as private jobs. Here are some of the prime recruiters –

  • Government Hospitals
  • Private Hospitals
  • Medical Emergency Services
  • Medical Colleges


In the above mentioned firms, EMT professionals may don the following roles – Emergency Medical Technician, Ambulance Technician or Emergency Medical Worker.

Arun Kallarackal
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