Are you searching for the list of dental hygienist programs & courses in the US? Do you want to pursue a job-oriented dental hygienist program in this academic year? Are you searching for an ideal dental hygienist college near you? If yes, this post will be of help to you. Here, I’ve compiled a list of some of the best dental hygienist programs & colleges in the US.
In this post, readers will find the following details –
- List of colleges in the US offering dental hygienist program
- Name of the specific dental hygienist program
Also check – Dental Assisting programs & colleges
This list covers dental hygienist programs such as – Associate Degree programs, Bachelor’s Degree programs, Master’s Degree programs, Certificate programs & more. The colleges mentioned in this list score well in areas such as – amenities, faculty, affordability, recognition & more.
After going through this list, readers will be able to find an ideal dental hygienist college near their location. The list consists of some of the best, affordable & value-for-money colleges in the US.
Come, let us check out the list of dental hygienist programs & colleges in the US now. Here it is –
Table of Contents
- Dental Hygienist Degrees & Programs in the US
- Associate’s Degree (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges –
- Bachelor’s Degree (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges –
- Graduate/Professional Certificate (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges –
- Master’s Degree (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges –
- Post-baccalaureate Certificate (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges –
- Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges –
- Dental Hygienist courses in the US
Dental Hygienist Degrees & Programs in the US
In the following sections, readers will find different types/degrees of dental hygienist programs. Let us begin –
Associate’s Degree (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges – |
Aiken Technical College |
Albany State University |
Allan Hancock College |
Allegany College of Maryland |
All-State Career School |
Amarillo College |
Andrew College |
Antonelli College |
Argosy University |
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College |
ATA College |
Athens Technical College |
Atlanta Technical College |
Austin Community College District |
Baker College |
Baltimore City Community College |
Bates Technical College |
Bellingham Technical College |
Bergen Community College |
Big Sandy Community and Technical College |
Blinn College District |
Blue Cliff College-Metairie |
Bluegrass Community and Technical College |
Bradford School |
Briarcliffe College |
BridgeValley Community & Technical College |
Brightwood Career Institute |
Brightwood Career Institute |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Bristol Community College |
Broward College |
Cabrillo College |
Camden County College |
Cape Cod Community College |
Cape Fear Community College |
Capital Community College |
Carl Sandburg College |
Carrington College-Boise |
Carrington College-Mesa |
Carrington College-Phoenix North |
Carrington College-Portland |
Carrington College-Sacramento |
Carrington College-San Jose |
Catawba Valley Community College |
Central Carolina Community College |
Central Community College |
Central Georgia Technical College |
Central Lakes College-Brainerd |
Central Ohio Technical College |
Central Piedmont Community College |
Century College |
Cerritos College |
Chabot College |
Chaffey College |
Chattanooga College Medical Dental and Technical Careers |
Chattanooga State Community College |
Chippewa Valley Technical College |
Citrus College |
City College of San Francisco |
City Colleges of Chicago-Malcolm X College |
Clackamas Community College |
Clark College |
Cleveland Institute of Dental – Medical Assistants |
Clover Park Technical College |
Coastal Alabama Community College |
Coastal Bend College |
Coastal Carolina Community College |
Colby Community College |
College of Alameda |
College of Central Florida |
College of DuPage |
College of Lake County |
College of Marin |
College of San Mateo |
College of Southern Idaho |
College of Southern Nevada |
College of the Redwoods |
College of Western Idaho |
Collin County Community College District |
Colorado Northwestern Community College |
Columbia Basin College |
Columbia College |
Columbus State Community College |
Columbus Technical College |
Commonwealth Technical Institute |
Community Care College |
Community College of Baltimore County |
Community College of Denver |
Community College of Philadelphia |
Community College of Rhode Island |
Concorde Career College-Aurora |
Concorde Career College-Dallas |
Concorde Career College-Garden Grove |
Concorde Career College-Grand Prairie |
Concorde Career College-Kansas City |
Concorde Career College-Memphis |
Concorde Career College-San Antonio |
Concorde Career College-San Bernardino |
Concorde Career College-San Diego |
Concorde Career College-Southaven |
Concorde Career Institute-Orlando |
Concorde Career Institute-Tampa |
Contra Costa College |
CUNY Hostos Community College |
CUNY New York City College of Technology |
Cuyahoga Community College District |
Cypress College |
Dakota County Technical College |
Dallas College |
Daytona State College |
Del Mar College |
Delaware Technical Community College-Terry |
Delta College |
Delta School of Business and Technology |
Des Moines Area Community College |
Diablo Valley College |
Dodge City Community College |
Durham Technical Community College |
Eagle Gate College-Murray |
East Mississippi Community College |
East Ohio College |
Eastern Florida State College |
Eastern Gateway Community College |
Eastern International College-Jersey City |
Eastern Iowa Community College District |
ECPI University |
El Camino Community College District |
El Paso Community College |
Elgin Community College |
Erie Community College |
Essex County College |
Evergreen Valley College |
Farmingdale State College |
Fayetteville Technical Community College |
Ferris State University |
Flint Hills Technical College |
Florence-Darlington Technical College |
Florida National University-Main Campus |
Florida SouthWestern State College |
Florida State College at Jacksonville |
Foothill College |
Forsyth Technical Community College |
Fortis College-Baton Rouge |
Fortis College-Centerville |
Fortis College-Cuyahoga Falls |
Fortis College-Foley |
Fortis College-Landover |
Fortis College-Salt Lake City |
Fortis College-Smyrna |
Fortis Institute-Birmingham |
Fortis Institute-Scranton |
Fortis Institute-Towson |
Fortis Institute-Wayne |
Fox College |
Fox Valley Technical College |
Fresno City College |
George C Wallace State Community College-Hanceville |
Georgia Highlands College |
Georgia State University |
Georgia State University-Perimeter College |
Germanna Community College |
Goodwin University |
Grand Rapids Community College |
Grayson College |
Great Falls College Montana State University |
Greenville Technical College |
Guilford Technical Community College |
Gulf Coast State College |
Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts |
H Councill Trenholm State Community College |
Hagerstown Community College |
Halifax Community College |
Harcum College |
Harrisburg Area Community College |
Hawkeye Community College |
Heald College |
Henderson Community College |
Hennepin Technical College |
Herzing University-Madison |
Herzing University-Minneapolis |
Hillsborough Community College |
Hinds Community College |
Hiwassee College |
Hocking College |
Horry-Georgetown Technical College |
Houston Community College |
Howard College |
Howard Community College |
Hudson Valley Community College |
Huertas College |
Humacao Community College |
Huntington Junior College |
Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville |
Hussian College-Daymar College Murfreesboro |
Hussian College-Philadelphia |
IBMC College |
ICPR Junior College |
Idaho State University |
Ilisagvik College |
Illinois Central College |
Imperial Valley College |
Indian Hills Community College |
Indian River State College |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
International Business College-Indianapolis |
Iowa Central Community College |
Iowa Western Community College |
Ivy Tech Community College |
J Sargeant Reynolds Community College |
Jackson College |
Jacksonville College-Main Campus |
James A Rhodes State College |
John A Logan College |
John C Calhoun State Community College |
Johnson County Community College |
Jones County Junior College |
Kalamazoo Valley Community College |
Kaskaskia College |
Kellogg Community College |
Keystone Technical Institute |
Kirkwood Community College |
Labette Community College |
Lake Area Technical College |
Lake Land College |
Lake Michigan College |
Lake Superior College |
Lake Washington Institute of Technology |
Lakeland Community College |
Lamar Institute of Technology |
Lancaster County Career and Technology Center |
Lane Community College |
Lanier Technical College |
Lansing Community College |
Laramie County Community College |
Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts |
Lewis and Clark Community College |
Lincoln College of New England |
Lincoln Technical Institute-Iselin |
Loma Linda University |
Lone Star College System |
Lorain County Community College |
Los Angeles City College |
Los Medanos College |
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans |
Luzerne County Community College |
Madison Area Technical College |
Mandl School-The College of Allied Health |
Manhattan Area Technical College |
Manor College |
McCann School of Business & Technology |
Mech-Tech College |
Meridian Community College |
Mesa Community College |
Metropolitan Community College Area |
Metropolitan Community College-Kansas City |
Miami Dade College |
Middlesex College |
Middlesex Community College |
Midlands Technical College |
Mid-Plains Community College |
Midwest Institute |
Miller – Motte Technical College |
Miller-Motte College-Berks Technical Institute |
Miller-Motte College-Chattanooga |
Miller-Motte College-Raleigh |
Miller-Motte College-Wilmington |
Milwaukee Area Technical College |
Minnesota North College |
Minnesota State Community and Technical College |
Minnesota West Community and Technical College |
Mississippi Delta Community College |
Missouri College |
Missouri Southern State University |
Mohave Community College |
Monroe Community College |
Monterey Peninsula College |
Montgomery College |
Montgomery County Community College |
Moreno Valley College |
Mott Community College |
Mount Ida College |
Mount Wachusett Community College |
Mountwest Community and Technical College |
Mt Hood Community College |
National American University-Rapid City |
Navarro College |
New Mexico State University-Dona Ana |
New Mexico State University-Main Campus |
New York University |
NHTI-Concord’s Community College |
Nicolet Area Technical College |
Normandale Community College |
North Central Missouri College |
North Dakota State College of Science |
Northampton County Area Community College |
Northcentral Technical College |
Northeast Mississippi Community College |
Northeast State Community College |
Northeast Texas Community College |
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College |
Northern Virginia Community College |
Northern Wyoming Community College District |
Northwest Mississippi Community College |
Northwest Technical College |
Northwestern Michigan College |
NUC University |
Oakland Community College |
Orange Coast College |
Orange County Community College |
Oregon Institute of Technology |
Owens Community College |
Oxnard College |
Ozarks Technical Community College |
Palm Beach State College |
Palomar College |
Parkland College |
Pasadena City College |
Pasco-Hernando State College |
Pearl River Community College |
Pennsylvania College of Technology |
Pensacola State College |
Phoenix College |
Pierce College District |
Pikes Peak State College |
Pima Community College |
Pima Medical Institute-Albuquerque |
Pima Medical Institute-Houston |
Pima Medical Institute-Seattle |
Pima Medical Institute-Tucson |
Plaza College |
Portland Community College |
Prairie State College |
Prince George’s Community College |
Provo College |
Pueblo Community College |
Purdue University Fort Wayne |
Quinsigamond Community College |
Raritan Valley Community College |
Reedley College |
Regis College |
Remington College-Dallas Campus |
Remington College-Nashville Campus |
Renton Technical College |
Rio Salado College |
Roane State Community College |
Rochester Community and Technical College |
Rock Valley College |
Rogue Community College |
Rose State College |
Rowan College at Burlington County |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick |
Sacramento City College |
Saint Louis Community College |
Salina Area Technical College |
Salt Lake Community College |
San Antonio College |
San Diego Mesa College |
San Joaquin Valley College-Ontario |
San Joaquin Valley College-Visalia |
San Jose City College |
San Juan College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Santa Fe College |
Santa Fe Community College |
Santa Rosa Junior College |
Savannah Technical College |
Seattle Central College |
Shasta College |
Shawnee State University |
Shoreline Community College |
Sinclair Community College |
Snow College |
South Central College |
South College |
South Florida State College |
South Puget Sound Community College |
Southeast Community College Area |
Southeastern Technical College |
Southern Adventist University |
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale |
Southern University at Shreveport |
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College |
Southwestern College |
Spokane Community College |
Springfield Technical Community College |
St Cloud Technical and Community College |
St Paul’s School of Nursing-Staten Island |
St Petersburg College |
Stark State College |
State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota |
State Fair Community College |
SUNY Broome Community College |
SUNY College of Technology at Canton |
Taft College |
Tallahassee Community College |
Tarrant County College District |
Temple College |
Tennessee State University |
Texas State Technical College |
The College of Health Care Professions-Northwest |
Treasure Valley Community College |
Trident Technical College |
Truckee Meadows Community College |
Tulsa Community College |
Tunxis Community College |
Tyler Junior College |
Ultimate Medical Academy |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Carolina Campus |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Cupey Campus |
University of Alaska Anchorage |
University of Alaska Fairbanks |
University of Alaska Southeast |
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith |
University of Bridgeport |
University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash College |
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus |
University of Hawaii Maui College |
University of Maine at Augusta |
University of New Haven |
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus |
University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences |
University of Southern Indiana |
Utah Tech University |
Utah Valley University |
Valdosta State University |
Valencia College |
Vatterott College |
Vermont Technical College |
Virginia Peninsula Community College |
Virginia Western Community College |
Vista College |
Wake Technical Community College |
Walla Walla University |
Waukesha County Technical College |
Wayne Community College |
Wayne County Community College District |
Weber State University |
West Georgia Technical College |
West Kentucky Community and Technical College |
West Liberty University |
West Los Angeles College |
West Virginia Junior College-Bridgeport |
West Virginia Junior College-Charleston |
Western Kentucky University |
Western Nebraska Community College |
Westmoreland County Community College |
Westwood College – Denver North |
Westwood College – South Bay |
Wharton County Junior College |
Wichita State University-Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology |
William Rainey Harper College |
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College |
Wytheville Community College |
Yakima Valley College |
York Technical College |
Bachelor’s Degree (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges – |
Allen College |
Augusta University |
Boise State University |
Briarcliffe College |
Careers Unlimited |
Clark College |
Clayton State University |
College of Southern Nevada |
Columbia Basin College |
Community College of Denver |
Concorde Career College-Kansas City |
Creighton University |
East Tennessee State University |
Eastern Washington University |
Farmingdale State College |
Ferris State University |
Foothill College |
Georgia Highlands College |
Herzing University-Madison |
Herzing University-Minneapolis |
Hodges University |
Idaho State University |
Indiana University-Northwest |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Indiana University-South Bend |
Lake Washington Institute of Technology |
Lewis University |
Lincoln College of New England |
Loma Linda University |
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans |
MCPHS University |
Metropolitan State University |
Midwestern State University |
Minnesota State University-Mankato |
Missouri Southern State University |
Mount Ida College |
New York University |
Northern Arizona University |
Ohio State University-Main Campus |
Old Dominion University |
Oregon Institute of Technology |
Pacific University |
Pennsylvania College of Technology |
Pierce College District |
Plaza College |
Pueblo Community College |
Purdue University Fort Wayne |
Regis College |
Rhode Island College |
San Joaquin Valley College-Visalia |
Siena Heights University |
South College |
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale |
St Petersburg College |
SUNY College of Technology at Canton |
Tennessee State University |
Tennessee Wesleyan University |
Texas A & M University-College Station |
Texas Woman’s University |
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center |
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville |
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston |
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio |
Truckee Meadows Community College |
Tyler Junior College |
University of Alaska Anchorage |
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith |
University of Bridgeport |
University of Detroit Mercy |
University of Hawaii at Manoa |
University of Louisiana at Monroe |
University of Louisville |
University of Maine at Augusta |
University of Maryland, Baltimore |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of Mississippi |
University of Missouri-Kansas City |
University of Nebraska Medical Center |
University of New England |
University of New Haven |
University of New Mexico-Main Campus |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
University of Oklahoma-Health Sciences Center |
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus |
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus |
University of South Dakota |
University of Southern California |
University of Southern Indiana |
University of the Pacific |
University of Washington-Seattle Campus |
University of Wyoming |
Utah Tech University |
Utah Valley University |
Vermont Technical College |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Weber State University |
West Coast University-Los Angeles |
West Coast University-Orange County |
West Liberty University |
West Los Angeles College |
West Virginia University |
Western Kentucky University |
Wichita State University |
Yakima Valley College |
Youngstown State University |
Graduate/Professional Certificate (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges – |
Eastern College of Health Vocations-Little Rock |
Heritage College |
MCPHS University |
University of South Dakota |
Master’s Degree (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges – |
Eastern Washington University |
Idaho State University |
MCPHS University |
New York University |
Ohio State University-Main Campus |
Old Dominion University |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick |
Texas A & M University-College Station |
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center |
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville |
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio |
University at Buffalo |
University of Bridgeport |
University of California-San Francisco |
University of Maryland, Baltimore |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of Missouri-Kansas City |
University of New Mexico-Main Campus |
University of Southern California |
West Liberty University |
West Virginia University |
Post-baccalaureate Certificate (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges – |
MCPHS University |
Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma (Dental Support Services and Allied Professions) Programs & Colleges – |
ABC Adult School |
Abdill Career College |
Academy of Careers and Technology |
Access Careers |
Access Careers-Islandia |
Advanced College |
Advantage Career Institute |
Aiken Technical College |
Alamance Community College |
Albany Technical College |
Allan Hancock College |
All-State Career School |
All-State Career-Baltimore |
Altierus Career College |
Altierus Career College |
Altierus Career College |
Altierus Career College |
Altierus Career College |
Altierus Career College |
Altierus Career College-Bissonnet |
Altierus Career College-Norcross |
Altierus Career College-Tampa |
Altierus Career Education |
Amarillo College |
American Career College-Anaheim |
American Career College-Los Angeles |
American Career College-Ontario |
American College for Medical Careers |
American College of Healthcare and Technology |
American Institute-Cherry Hill |
American Institute-Clifton |
American Institute-Somerset |
American Institute-Toms River |
American Institute-West Hartford |
Anthem College |
Anthem College |
Antonelli College |
Apollo Career Center |
Arizona College of Nursing-Tempe |
Arizona College-Glendale |
Arizona College-Mesa |
Arkansas Northeastern College |
Art Institutes International Minnesota (The) |
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College |
Ashland County-West Holmes Career Center |
ATA Career Education |
ATA College |
ATA College-Cincinnati |
Athens Technical College |
Atlanta Technical College |
Atlantic Technical College |
Augusta Technical College |
Autry Technology Center |
Baker College |
Bates Technical College |
Beckfield College-Florence |
Bellingham Technical College |
Berks Career & Technology Center |
Big Sandy Community and Technical College |
Blackhawk Technical College |
Blake Austin College |
Blue Cliff College-Fayetteville |
Blue Cliff College-Gulfport |
Blue Cliff College-Metairie |
Blue Mountain Community College |
Bluegrass Community and Technical College |
Bridgerland Technical College |
Brightwood Career Institute |
Brightwood Career Institute |
Brightwood Career Institute |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brightwood College |
Brookline College-Phoenix |
Brookline College-Tempe |
Broward College |
Brown Mackie College (the -) |
Bryman School of Arizona (The) |
Buckeye Joint Vocational School |
Burlington County Institute of Technology-Adult Education |
Butte County Regional Occupational Program |
Cabrillo College |
California Career Institute |
California Healing Arts College |
Camden County College |
Canadian Valley Technology Center |
Cape Coral Technical College |
Cape Fear Community College |
Capital Community College |
Capitol City Trade & Technical School |
Career Care Institute |
Career Training Academy |
Caris College |
Carrington College-Albuquerque |
Carrington College-Boise |
Carrington College-Citrus Heights |
Carrington College-Las Vegas |
Carrington College-Mesa |
Carrington College-Phoenix North |
Carrington College-Pleasant Hill Campus |
Carrington College-Portland |
Carrington College-Sacramento |
Carrington College-San Jose |
Carrington College-San Leandro Campus |
Carrington College-Spokane |
Carrington College-Stockton |
Carrington College-Tucson |
Carver Career Center |
CBD College |
Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation |
Central California School of Continuing Education |
Central Career Institute LLC |
Central Carolina Community College |
Central Community College |
Central Georgia Technical College |
Central Lakes College-Brainerd |
Central New Mexico Community College |
Central Oregon Community College |
Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology |
Central Piedmont Community College |
Central Virginia Community College |
Central Wyoming College |
Centura College-Norfolk |
Centura College-Virginia Beach |
Century College |
Cerritos College |
Chaffey College |
Charles H McCann Technical School |
Charlotte Technical College |
Charter College |
Charter College |
Chattahoochee Technical College |
Chattanooga College Medical Dental and Technical Careers |
Chattanooga State Community College |
Chemeketa Community College |
Chippewa Valley Technical College |
Choffin Career and Technical Center |
Citrus College |
City College of San Francisco |
Clackamas Community College |
Cleveland Institute of Dental – Medical Assistants |
Clover Park Technical College |
Coastal Alabama Community College |
Coastal Carolina Community College |
Colegio Mayor de Tecnologia Inc |
College of Alameda |
College of Central Florida |
College of Eastern Idaho |
College of Health Care Professions |
College of Marin |
College of San Mateo |
College of Southern Idaho |
College of Southern Nevada |
College of the Redwoods |
College of Western Idaho |
Columbia Basin College |
Columbia College |
Columbus Technical College |
Community Care College |
Community College of Rhode Island |
Compu-Med Vocational Careers Corp |
Concorde Career College-Aurora |
Concorde Career College-Dallas |
Concorde Career College-Garden Grove |
Concorde Career College-Grand Prairie |
Concorde Career College-Kansas City |
Concorde Career College-Memphis |
Concorde Career College-North Hollywood |
Concorde Career College-Portland |
Concorde Career College-San Antonio |
Concorde Career College-San Bernardino |
Concorde Career College-San Diego |
Concorde Career College-Southaven |
Concorde Career Institute-Jacksonville |
Concorde Career Institute-Miramar |
Concorde Career Institute-Orlando |
Concorde Career Institute-Tampa |
Contra Costa College |
Contra Costa Medical Career College |
County College of Morris |
CUNY Hostos Community College |
CUNY New York City College of Technology |
Cuyahoga Community College District |
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center |
Cypress College |
Dakota County Technical College |
Danville Community College |
Davis Technical College |
Dawn Career Institute LLC |
Daytona State College |
Del Mar College |
Delta College |
Delta College Inc |
Delta College of Arts & Technology |
Delta College of Arts & Technology-Lafayette Campus |
Delta College-Slidell Campus |
Delta School of Business and Technology |
Delta Technical College-Mississippi |
Des Moines Area Community College |
Diablo Valley College |
Dorsey College |
Dorsey College-Dearborn |
Dorsey College-Roseville |
Dorsey College-Woodhaven |
Downey Adult School |
Drake College of Business |
Durham Technical Community College |
Eagle Gate College-Murray |
East Mississippi Community College |
East Ohio College |
Eastern Arizona College |
Eastern College of Health Vocations-Little Rock |
Eastern College of Health Vocations-New Orleans |
Eastern Florida State College |
Eastern Gateway Community College |
Eastern Iowa Community College District |
Eastern New Mexico University-Main Campus |
Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools |
El Paso Community College |
Elgin Community College |
Emily Griffith Technical College |
Erie Community College |
Erwin Technical College |
Essex County College |
Everest College |
Everest College |
Everest College |
Everest College |
Everest College |
Everest College |
Everest College |
Everest College |
Everest College |
Everest College |
Everest Institute |
Everest Institute |
Fayetteville Technical Community College |
First Coast Technical College |
First Institute of Travel, Inc |
Flint Hills Technical College |
Florence-Darlington Technical College |
Florida Career College-Boynton Beach |
Florida Career College-Hialeah |
Florida Career College-Jacksonville |
Florida Career College-Lauderdale Lakes |
Florida Career College-Margate |
Florida Career College-Miami |
Florida Career College-Orlando |
Florida Career College-Pembroke Pines |
Florida Career College-Tampa |
Florida Career College-West Palm Beach |
Florida National University-Main Campus |
Florida State College at Jacksonville |
Foothill College |
Forsyth Technical Community College |
Fortis College |
Fortis College |
Fortis College-Baton Rouge |
Fortis College-Centerville |
Fortis College-Cincinnati |
Fortis College-Columbia |
Fortis College-Cuyahoga Falls |
Fortis College-Foley |
Fortis College-Indianapolis |
Fortis College-Landover |
Fortis College-Montgomery |
Fortis College-Norfolk |
Fortis College-Orange Park |
Fortis College-Richmond |
Fortis College-Salt Lake City |
Fortis College-Smyrna |
Fortis Institute |
Fortis Institute-Birmingham |
Fortis Institute-Lawrenceville |
Fortis Institute-Pensacola |
Fortis Institute-Port Saint Lucie |
Fortis Institute-Scranton |
Fortis Institute-Towson |
Fortis Institute-Wayne |
Fox Valley Technical College |
Francis Tuttle Technology Center |
Franklin Technology Center Adult Education |
Frederick Community College |
Fresno City College |
Front Range Community College |
Galaxy Medical College |
Gateway Technical College |
Genesis Career College-Cookeville |
Genesis Career College-Lebanon |
George C Wallace State Community College-Hanceville |
Georgia Northwestern Technical College |
Germanna Community College |
Glendale Career College |
Grand Rapids Community College |
Grayson College |
Great Falls College Montana State University |
Great Lakes Institute of Technology |
Great Oaks Career Campuses |
Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center |
Greenville Technical College |
Guilford Technical Community College |
Gulf Coast State College |
Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts |
Gwinnett Technical College |
H Councill Trenholm State Community College |
Hacienda La Puente Adult Education |
Hagerstown Community College |
Harcum College |
Harris School of Business-Cherry Hill Campus |
Harris School of Business-Sanford Campus |
Harris School of Business-Voorhees Campus |
Harris School of Business-Wilmington Campus |
Harrisburg Area Community College |
Hawkeye Community College |
Healthcare Career College |
Heartland Community College |
Hennepin Technical College |
Heritage College |
Heritage Institute |
Heritage Institute |
Herzing University-Madison |
Herzing University-Minneapolis |
High Desert Medical College |
High Plains Technology Center |
Hillsborough Community College |
Hillyard Technical Center |
Hinds Community College |
Horry-Georgetown Technical College |
Houston Community College |
Howard College |
Howard University |
Hudson Valley Community College |
Hussian College-Daymar College Clarksville |
Hussian College-Daymar College Murfreesboro |
Hussian College-Philadelphia |
IBMC College |
IBMC College |
ICDC College |
ICPR Junior College |
ICPR Junior College |
ICPR Junior College-Mayaguez |
Ilisagvik College |
Illinois Valley Community College |
Imperial Valley College |
Indian Hills Community College |
Indian River State College |
Indiana University-Northwest |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Institute of Medical Careers |
Institute of Professional Careers |
Instituto de Banca y Comercio Inc |
Intellitec College-Grand Junction |
InterCoast Colleges-Riverside |
InterCoast Colleges-West Covina |
Iowa Western Community College |
Isothermal Community College |
Ivy Tech Community College |
J Sargeant Reynolds Community College |
John A Logan College |
John C Calhoun State Community College |
Joyce University of Nursing and Health Sciences |
Kapiolani Community College |
Kaskaskia College |
Keystone Technical Institute |
Kiamichi Technology Center-McAlester |
Kirkwood Community College |
Labette Community College |
Lake Area Technical College |
Lake Michigan College |
Lake Washington Institute of Technology |
Lakeshore Technical College |
Lamar State College-Orange |
Lancaster County Career and Technology Center |
Lane Community College |
Lanier Technical College |
Las Vegas College |
Lawson State Community College |
Lebanon County Area Vocational Technical School |
Lewis and Clark Community College |
Lincoln College of New England |
Lincoln Technical Institute |
Lincoln Technical Institute-Iselin |
Lincoln Technical Institute-Lincoln |
Lincoln Technical Institute-Somerville |
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College |
Linn-Benton Community College |
Lorain County Joint Vocational School District |
Lorenzo Walker Technical College |
Los Angeles City College |
Luna Community College |
Luzerne County Community College |
Madison Adult Career Center |
Madison Area Technical College |
Manatee Technical College |
Manchester Community College |
Mandl School-The College of Allied Health |
Manor College |
Marshalltown Community College |
Martin Community College |
Massasoit Community College |
Mattia College |
McCann School of Business & Technology |
Medical Career & Technical College |
Medical Training College |
Medina County Career Center |
MedQuest College |
Medtech College |
Mercer County Technical Education Center |
Meridian College |
Meridian Community College |
Metro Technology Centers |
Metropolitan Community College Area |
Metropolitan Community College-Kansas City |
Metropolitan State University |
Miami Lakes Educational Center and Technical College |
Miami Valley Career Technology Center |
Mid-Del Technology Center |
Middlesex Community College |
Midlands Technical College |
Mid-Plains Community College |
Midwest Institute |
Midwest Technical Institute-East Peoria |
Midwest Technical Institute-Illinois |
Midwest Technical Institute-Missouri |
Midwest Technical Institute-Moline |
Midwest Technical Institute-Ridgeland |
Midwestern Career College |
Milan Institute-Amarillo |
Milan Institute-Boise |
Milan Institute-Las Vegas |
Milan Institute-Merced |
Milan Institute-Palm Desert |
Milan Institute-San Antonio Ingram |
Milan Institute-Sparks |
Milan Institute-Visalia |
Miller-Motte College Platt College-Moore |
Miller-Motte College Platt College-OKC-Memorial |
Miller-Motte College-Berks Technical Institute |
Miller-Motte College-Chattanooga |
Miller-Motte College-Platt College-Lawton |
Miller-Motte College-STVT-Corpus Christi |
Miller-Motte College-STVT-McAllen |
Miller-Motte College-Tulsa |
Milwaukee Area Technical College |
Milwaukee Career College |
Minneapolis Community and Technical College |
Minnesota North College |
Minnesota State Community and Technical College |
Minnesota West Community and Technical College |
Mississippi Delta Community College |
Missouri College |
Mohave Community College |
Monongalia County Technical Education Center |
Monroe 2 Orleans BOCES-Center for Workforce Development |
Monroe Community College |
Monterey Peninsula College |
Montgomery College |
Montgomery Community College |
Moore Norman Technology Center |
Moreno Valley College |
Mott Community College |
Mount Wachusett Community College |
Mountain Empire Community College |
Mountainland Technical College |
Mountwest Community and Technical College |
Mt Diablo Adult Education-Mt Diablo USD |
National Career College |
Nevada Career Institute |
New Mexico State University-Dona Ana |
New Mexico State University-Main Campus |
New York School for Medical and Dental Assistants |
NHTI-Concord’s Community College |
Niagara County Community College |
Nicolet Area Technical College |
North Central Opportunities Industrialization Center |
North Central State College |
North Dakota State College of Science |
Northcentral Technical College |
Northeast Iowa Community College |
Northeast State Community College |
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College |
Northern Essex Community College |
Northern Virginia Community College |
NorthWest Arkansas Community College |
Northwest Career College |
North-West College-Anaheim |
North-West College-Glendale |
North-West College-Pomona |
North-West College-Riverside |
North-West College-Van Nuys |
North-West College-West Covina |
Northwest Florida State College |
Northwest Technical College |
Northwestern College |
Northwestern Michigan College |
Northwood Technical College |
NUC University |
O C Collins Career Center |
Ocean County Vocational-Technical School |
Ogden-Weber Technical College |
Ogeechee Technical College |
Ohio Business College-Sheffield |
Onondaga Cortland Madison BOCES |
Orange Coast College |
Orange Technical College |
Osceola Technical College |
Owens Community College |
Oxnard College |
Ozarks Technical Community College |
Palladium Technical Academy Inc |
Palm Beach State College |
Palomar College |
Pamlico Community College |
Pasadena City College |
Pasco-Hernando State College |
PCI College |
PCI Health Training Center |
Pearl River Community College |
Phoenix College |
Pickens Technical College |
Pikes Peak State College |
Pima Community College |
Pima Medical Institute-Albuquerque |
Pima Medical Institute-Aurora |
Pima Medical Institute-Chula Vista |
Pima Medical Institute-Colorado Springs |
Pima Medical Institute-Denver |
Pima Medical Institute-El Paso |
Pima Medical Institute-Houston |
Pima Medical Institute-Las Vegas |
Pima Medical Institute-Mesa |
Pima Medical Institute-Phoenix |
Pima Medical Institute-Renton |
Pima Medical Institute-San Antonio |
Pima Medical Institute-San Marcos |
Pima Medical Institute-Seattle |
Pima Medical Institute-Tucson |
Pinellas Technical College-St Petersburg |
Pinnacle Career Institute |
Pinnacle Career Institute |
PITC Institute |
Pittsburgh Career Institute |
Polaris Career Center |
Ponce Paramedical College (POPAC) |
Porter & Chester Institute |
Porter & Chester Institute of Hamden |
Portland Community College |
Prairie State College |
Praxis Institute |
Prestige Health & Beauty Sciences Academy |
Provo College |
Pueblo Community College |
Purdue University Fort Wayne |
Purdue University Global |
Putnam Career and Technical Center |
Quinsigamond Community College |
Raritan Valley Community College |
Red Rocks Community College |
Reedley College |
Remington College-Cleveland Campus |
Remington College-Dallas Campus |
Remington College-Fort Worth Campus |
Remington College-Houston Southeast Campus |
Remington College-Memphis Campus |
Remington College-Nashville Campus |
Remington College-North Houston Campus |
Renton Technical College |
Ridley – Lowell Business & Technical Institute |
Rio Salado College |
Riverside County Office of Education-School of Career Education |
Robert Morgan Educational Center and Technical College |
Rochester Community and Technical College |
Rock Valley College |
Rogue Community College |
Rose State College |
Ross College-Canton |
Ross College-Grand Rapids North |
Ross College-Sylvania |
Ross Medical Education Center – Kalamazoo |
Ross Medical Education Center-Ann Arbor |
Ross Medical Education Center-Brighton |
Ross Medical Education Center-Canton |
Ross Medical Education Center-Charleston |
Ross Medical Education Center-Cincinnati |
Ross Medical Education Center-Davison |
Ross Medical Education Center-Dayton |
Ross Medical Education Center-Elyria |
Ross Medical Education Center-Erlanger |
Ross Medical Education Center-Evansville |
Ross Medical Education Center-Flint |
Ross Medical Education Center-Fort Wayne |
Ross Medical Education Center-Granger |
Ross Medical Education Center-Huntsville |
Ross Medical Education Center-Johnson City |
Ross Medical Education Center-Kentwood |
Ross Medical Education Center-Knoxville |
Ross Medical Education Center-Kokomo |
Ross Medical Education Center-Lafayette |
Ross Medical Education Center-Lansing |
Ross Medical Education Center-Morgantown |
Ross Medical Education Center-Muncie |
Ross Medical Education Center-New Baltimore |
Ross Medical Education Center-Niles |
Ross Medical Education Center-Owensboro |
Ross Medical Education Center-Roosevelt Park |
Ross Medical Education Center-Saginaw |
Ross Medical Education Center-Warren |
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick |
Sacramento City College |
Saint Louis Community College |
Salina Area Technical College |
Salish Kootenai College |
San Antonio College |
San Diego Mesa College |
San Jacinto Community College |
San Joaquin Valley College-Bakersfield |
San Joaquin Valley College-Fresno |
San Joaquin Valley College-Hesperia |
San Joaquin Valley College-Temecula |
San Joaquin Valley College-Visalia |
San Jose City College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Santa Fe College |
Santa Fe Community College |
Santa Rosa Junior College |
Savannah Technical College |
Scioto County Career Technical Center |
Seattle Central College |
Sinclair Community College |
Skagit Valley College |
Somerset County Technology Center |
South Central College |
South College |
South Florida State College |
South Puget Sound Community College |
South Texas Vocational Technical Institute-Brownsville |
South Texas Vocational Technical Institute-Weslaco |
Southeast Community College Area |
Southeastern Technical Institute |
Southern Crescent Technical College |
Southwest College for the Deaf |
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College |
Southwestern Oregon Community College |
Spartanburg Community College |
Spokane Community College |
Springfield Technical Community College |
St Cloud Technical and Community College |
Stark State College |
State Career College |
State Technical College of Missouri |
Stautzenberger College-Maumee |
Stautzenberger College-Rockford Career College |
Stone Academy-East Hartford |
Stone Academy-Waterbury |
Stone Academy-West Haven |
Summit College |
Tallahassee Community College |
Tarrant County College District |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology Nashville |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Covington |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Dickson |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Knoxville |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Memphis |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Murfreesboro |
Texas State Technical College |
The College of Health Care Professions-Austin |
The College of Health Care Professions-Dallas |
The College of Health Care Professions-Fort Worth |
The College of Health Care Professions-McAllen Campus |
The College of Health Care Professions-Northwest |
The College of Health Care Professions-South San Antonio |
The College of Health Care Professions-Southwest Houston |
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston |
Traviss Technical College |
Tri-County Technical College |
Trident Technical College |
Trinidad State College |
Truckee Meadows Community College |
Tulsa Technology Center |
Tunxis Community College |
Tyler Junior College |
UEI College-Bakersfield |
UEI College-Chula Vista |
UEI College-Fresno |
UEI College-Garden Grove |
UEI College-Gardena |
UEI College-Huntington Park |
UEI College-Mesa |
UEI College-Oceanside |
UEI College-Ontario |
UEI College-Phoenix |
UEI College-Reseda |
UEI College-Riverside |
UEI College-Sacramento |
UEI College-Stockton |
UEI College-West Covina |
Ultimate Medical Academy |
Umpqua Community College |
Unitech Training Academy-Alexandria |
Unitech Training Academy-Houma |
Unitech Training Academy-Lafayette |
Unitech Training Academy-New Orleans |
Unitech Training Academy-West Monroe |
United Education Institute-Las Vegas |
United Education Institute-Morrow |
Unitek College |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Carolina Campus |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Cupey Campus |
University of Alabama at Birmingham |
University of Alaska Anchorage |
University of Alaska Fairbanks |
University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College |
University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash College |
University of Detroit Mercy |
University of Hawaii Maui College |
University of Maine at Augusta |
University of New Mexico-Gallup Campus |
University of New Mexico-Main Campus |
University of New Mexico-Taos Campus |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus |
University of Southern Indiana |
Vatterott College |
Vatterott College |
Vernon College |
Virginia College |
Virginia Highlands Community College |
Virginia Peninsula Community College |
Virginia Western Community College |
Vista College |
Volunteer State Community College |
Wake Technical Community College |
Warren County Career Center |
Washington County Adult Skill Center |
Washtenaw Community College |
Waukesha County Technical College |
Wayne Community College |
Wayne County Community College District |
Wayne County Schools Career Center |
West Georgia Technical College |
West Kentucky Community and Technical College |
West Los Angeles College |
West Virginia Junior College-Bridgeport |
West Virginia Junior College-Charleston |
Westchester School for Medical & Dental Assistants |
Western Dakota Technical College |
Western Iowa Tech Community College |
Western Piedmont Community College |
Western Technical College |
Western Technology Center |
Westmoreland County Community College |
Wichita State University-Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology |
Wilkes Community College |
William T McFatter Technical College |
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College |
WyoTech |
Wytheville Community College |
Yakima Valley College |
York County School of Technology-Adult & Continuing Education |
York Technical College |
YTI Career Institute-Altoona |
YTI Career Institute-York |
Dental Hygienist courses in the US
1 | Dental Assisting/Assistant |
2 | Dental Hygiene/Hygienist |
3 | Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician |
4 | Dental Services and Allied Professions, Other |
- Community Garden in Michigan - February 13, 2025
- Community Gardens in North Carolina - February 13, 2025
- Community Gardens in Georgia - February 13, 2025