Are you searching for the list of design programs & courses in the US? Do you want to pursue a job-oriented design program in this academic year? Are you searching for an ideal design college near you? If yes, this post will be of help to you. Here, I’ve compiled a list of some of the best design programs & colleges in the US.
In this post, readers will find the following details –
- List of colleges in the US offering design program
- Name of the specific design program
Also check – Graphic Design programs & colleges
This list covers design programs such as – Associate Degree programs, Bachelor’s Degree programs, Master’s Degree programs, Certificate programs & more. The colleges mentioned in this list score well in areas such as – amenities, faculty, affordability, recognition & more.
After going through this list, readers will be able to find an ideal design college near their location. The list consists of some of the best, affordable & value-for-money colleges in the US.
Come, let us check out the list of design programs & colleges in the US now. Here it is –
Table of Contents
- Design Degrees & Programs in the US
- Associate’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Bachelor’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Doctoral Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- First Professional Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Graduate/Professional Certificate (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Master’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Post-baccalaureate Certificate (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Design courses in the US
Design Degrees & Programs in the US
In the following sections, readers will find different types/degrees of design programs. Let us begin –
Associate’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Academia Serrant Inc |
Academy of Art University |
Adrian College |
AI Miami International University of Art and Design |
Alamance Community College |
Albany Technical College |
Alexandria Technical & Community College |
Allan Hancock College |
Amarillo College |
American Institute of Interior Design |
American InterContinental University |
American River College |
Andrews University |
Angelina College |
Anne Arundel Community College |
Antelope Valley Community College District |
Antonelli College |
Antonelli Institute |
Arapahoe Community College |
Argosy University |
Art Academy of Cincinnati |
Art Institute of Cincinnati (The) |
Art Institute of Colorado (The) |
Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale (The) |
Art Institute of Las Vegas (The) |
Art Institute of New York City (The) |
Art Institute of Philadelphia (The) – |
Art Institute of Pittsburgh (The) |
Art Institute of Portland (The) |
Art Institute of Seattle (The) |
Art Institute of York (The) – Pennsylvania |
Art Institutes International Minnesota (The) |
Athens Technical College |
Atlanta Technical College |
Atlantic University College |
Augusta Technical College |
Austin Community College District |
Baker College |
Bakersfield College |
Baltimore City Community College |
Bates Technical College |
Bauder College |
Bay State College |
Bellevue College |
Bergen Community College |
Berkeley College-Woodland Park |
Beverly Hills Design Institute |
Big Sandy Community and Technical College |
Bismarck State College |
Black Hawk College |
Blinn College District |
Blue Ridge Community College |
Bowling Green State University-Firelands |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
Bradford School |
Bradford School |
Briarcliffe College |
Broadview College |
Brookdale Community College |
Brown Mackie College (the -) |
Bryant & Stratton College-Buffalo |
Bryant & Stratton College-Greece |
Bryant & Stratton College-Syracuse North |
Bryant & Stratton College-Wauwatosa |
Bucks County Community College |
Bunker Hill Community College |
Butte College |
California University of Pennsylvania |
Canada College |
Cankdeska Cikana Community College |
Cape Cod Community College |
Cape Fear Community College |
Capital Community College |
Carroll Community College |
Carteret Community College |
Casper College |
Catawba Valley Community College |
Cazenovia College |
CBT Technology Institute-Main Campus |
Cecil College |
Centenary University |
Central Arizona College |
Central Community College |
Central Georgia Technical College |
Central Lakes College-Brainerd |
Central Piedmont Community College |
Central Texas College |
Central Virginia Community College |
Central Wyoming College |
Century College |
Cerritos College |
Chabot College |
Chaffey College |
Chaminade University of Honolulu |
Chandler-Gilbert Community College |
Chattahoochee Technical College |
Chattahoochee Valley Community College |
Chattanooga State Community College |
Chemeketa Community College |
Chippewa Valley Technical College |
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College |
City College of San Francisco |
Clark College |
Clark State College |
Cloud County Community College |
Clover Park Technical College |
Clovis Community College |
Coastal Alabama Community College |
College of DuPage |
College of Marin |
College of San Mateo |
College of Southern Nevada |
College of the Canyons |
College of the Sequoias |
CollegeAmerica-Denver |
Collin County Community College District |
Colorado Mountain College |
Columbia Central University-Caguas |
Columbia Central University-Yauco |
Columbia College |
Columbia College Hollywood |
Columbus State Community College |
Community Care College |
Community College of Allegheny County |
Community College of Baltimore County |
Community College of Beaver County |
Community College of Denver |
Community College of Vermont |
Copiah-Lincoln Community College |
Cosumnes River College |
County College of Morris |
Cowley County Community College |
Cuesta College |
CUNY Hostos Community College |
CUNY Kingsborough Community College |
CUNY LaGuardia Community College |
CUNY New York City College of Technology |
Cuyahoga Community College District |
Cuyamaca College |
Cypress College |
Dakota County Technical College |
Dallas College |
Davis College |
Daymar College |
Daytona State College |
De Anza College |
Delaware College of Art and Design |
Delaware County Community College |
Delaware Technical Community College-Terry |
Delgado Community College |
Delta College of Arts & Technology |
Des Moines Area Community College |
Diablo Valley College |
Digital Media Arts College |
Digital Media Institute |
Douglas Education Center |
Duluth Business University |
Dunwoody College of Technology |
Dutchess Community College |
Eagle Gate College-Murray |
East Central College |
East Los Angeles College |
Eastern Arizona College |
Eastern Florida State College |
Eastern Iowa Community College District |
Eastern New Mexico University-Main Campus |
Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Campus |
Edison State Community College |
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Juan |
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Sebastian |
EDP University of Puerto Rico-Humacao |
EDP University of Puerto Rico-Manati |
El Camino Community College District |
El Paso Community College |
Elgin Community College |
Ensign College |
Fashion Institute of Technology |
Fayetteville Technical Community College |
Ferris State University |
FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising |
FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising-San Francisco |
Finger Lakes Community College |
Fisher College |
Flathead Valley Community College |
Florida State College at Jacksonville |
Folsom Lake College |
Foothill College |
Forsyth Technical Community College |
Fox Valley Technical College |
Frederick Community College |
Fresno City College |
Front Range Community College |
Full Sail University |
Fullerton College |
Fulton-Montgomery Community College |
GateWay Community College |
Gateway Community College |
Gateway Technical College |
George C Wallace State Community College-Hanceville |
George Washington University |
Georgia Piedmont Technical College |
Glen Oaks Community College |
Glendale Community College |
Glendale Community College |
Globe University |
Gnomon |
Golden West College |
Grand Rapids Community College |
Great Basin College |
Great Bay Community College |
Grossmont College |
Guam Community College |
Guilford Technical Community College |
Gwinnett Technical College |
Hagerstown Community College |
Halifax Community College |
Harcum College |
Harford Community College |
Harrington College of Design |
Harrisburg Area Community College |
Hawkeye Community College |
Heartland Community College |
Hennepin Technical College |
Henry Ford College |
Herzing University-Madison |
Hickey College |
Highland Community College |
Highland Community College |
Highline College |
Hinds Community College |
Holmes Community College |
Honolulu Community College |
Horry-Georgetown Technical College |
Housatonic Community College |
Houston Community College |
Huertas College |
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning |
Hussian College-Daymar College Bowling Green |
Hussian College-Philadelphia |
Hutchinson Community College |
Illinois Central College |
Illinois Institute of Art (The) |
Illinois Valley Community College |
Indian River State College |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de San Juan |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San German |
Interior Designers Institute |
International Business College-Indianapolis |
Iowa Central Community College |
Iowa Lakes Community College |
Irvine Valley College |
Isothermal Community College |
Itawamba Community College |
ITT Technical Institute |
Ivy Tech Community College |
Jackson College |
James Sprunt Community College |
Jefferson Community and Technical College |
John A Logan College |
John C Calhoun State Community College |
John Wood Community College |
Johnson County Community College |
Johnston Community College |
Joliet Junior College |
Kalamazoo Valley Community College |
Kaskaskia College |
Keiser University-Ft Lauderdale |
Kellogg Community College |
Kilgore College |
King’s College |
Kirkwood Community College |
Kirtland Community College |
Lake Michigan College |
Lake Washington Institute of Technology |
Lakeland Community College |
Lakes Region Community College |
Lane Community College |
Laney College |
Lanier Technical College |
Lansing Community College |
Las Positas College |
Lassen Community College |
Lehigh Carbon Community College |
Lenoir Community College |
Lewis-Clark State College |
Lincoln Land Community College |
Linn-Benton Community College |
Lone Star College System |
Long Beach City College |
Los Angeles City College |
Los Angeles Film School |
Los Angeles Mission College |
Los Angeles Pacific College |
Los Angeles Pierce College |
Los Angeles Trade Technical College |
Los Angeles Valley College |
Los Medanos College |
Luna Community College |
Luzerne County Community College |
Lynn University |
Macomb Community College |
Madison Area Technical College |
Madonna University |
Manchester Community College |
Manchester Community College |
Massasoit Community College |
McDowell Technical Community College |
McHenry County College |
Mendocino College |
Mercer County Community College |
Meridian Community College |
Mesa Community College |
Metropolitan Community College Area |
Metropolitan Community College-Kansas City |
Miami Ad School |
Miami Dade College |
Miami International University of Art & Design-Art Institute Dallas |
Mid Michigan College |
Middlesex College |
Middlesex Community College |
Midlands Technical College |
Mid-Plains Community College |
Miller-Motte College-Chattanooga |
Milwaukee Area Technical College |
Minneapolis Business College |
Minneapolis Community and Technical College |
Minnesota School of Business |
Minnesota State Community and Technical College |
Mission College |
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College |
Mitchell College |
Modesto Junior College |
Mohave Community College |
Mohawk Valley Community College |
Monroe Community College |
Monroe County Community College |
Montana State University |
Monterey Peninsula College |
Montgomery College |
Montgomery County Community College |
Moorpark College |
Moraine Park Technical College |
Moraine Valley Community College |
Mott Community College |
Mount Saint Joseph University |
Mount Saint Mary’s University |
Mount Washington College |
Mountwest Community and Technical College |
Mt Hood Community College |
Mt San Antonio College |
Mt San Jacinto Community College District |
Muskegon Community College |
Napa Valley College |
Nash Community College |
Nashville State Community College |
Nassau Community College |
National American University-Rapid City |
National Park College |
Navarro College |
New England Institute of Art (The) |
New England Institute of Technology |
New Mexico State University-Alamogordo |
New Mexico State University-Dona Ana |
New Mexico State University-Main Campus |
New York Film Academy |
New York School of Interior Design |
NHTI-Concord’s Community College |
Niagara County Community College |
Nicolet Area Technical College |
Norco College |
North Georgia Technical College |
North Hennepin Community College |
North Idaho College |
North Shore Community College |
Northampton County Area Community College |
Northeast Community College |
Northeast Mississippi Community College |
Northern Essex Community College |
Northern State University |
Northern Virginia Community College |
NorthWest Arkansas Community College |
Northwest College |
Northwest Iowa Community College |
Northwest Mississippi Community College |
Northwest State Community College |
Northwestern Michigan College |
Norwalk Community College |
Nossi College of Art |
NUC University |
Oakland Community College |
Oakton Community College |
Oakwood University |
Odessa College |
Oglala Lakota College |
Ohlone College |
Oklahoma City Community College |
Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology |
Onondaga Community College |
Orange Coast College |
Owens Community College |
Pacific Union College |
Palm Beach State College |
Palomar College |
Paradise Valley Community College |
Parkland College |
Pasadena City College |
Pellissippi State Community College |
Pennsylvania College of Technology |
Phoenix College |
Pierpont Community and Technical College |
Pikes Peak State College |
Pima Community College |
Pitt Community College |
Platt College-Los Angeles |
Platt College-Ontario |
Platt College-San Diego |
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-Ponce |
Porterville College |
Portland Community College |
Prairie State College |
Pratt Community College |
Pratt Institute-Main |
Prince George’s Community College |
Provo College |
Purdue University Fort Wayne |
Quinsigamond Community College |
Randolph Community College |
Raritan Valley Community College |
Rasmussen University-Florida |
Rasmussen University-Illinois |
Rasmussen University-Kansas |
Rasmussen University-Minnesota |
Rasmussen University-North Dakota |
Rasmussen University-Wisconsin |
Remington College-Dallas Campus |
Remington College-Fort Worth Campus |
Remington College-Knoxville |
Rend Lake College |
Richland Community College |
Ridgewater College |
Rio Hondo College |
Rochester Community and Technical College |
Rochester Institute of Technology |
Rockland Community College |
Rogue Community College |
Roosevelt University |
Rowan College at Burlington County |
Rowan College of South Jersey-Cumberland Campus |
Rowan College of South Jersey-Gloucester Campus |
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College |
Saddleback College |
Saint Johns River State College |
Saint Louis Community College |
Saint Paul College |
Salem Community College |
Salina Area Technical College |
Salt Lake Community College |
San Antonio College |
San Bernardino Valley College |
San Diego City College |
San Diego Mesa College |
San Diego Miramar College |
San Jacinto Community College |
San Joaquin Delta College |
San Juan College |
Sandhills Community College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Santa Ana College |
Santa Barbara City College |
Santa Fe Community College |
Santa Monica College |
Santa Rosa Junior College |
Santiago Canyon College |
Sauk Valley Community College |
Schenectady County Community College |
Scottsdale Community College |
Seattle Central College |
Seminole State College of Florida |
Sessions College for Professional Design |
Shoreline Community College |
Sierra College |
Sinclair Community College |
Solano Community College |
South Central College |
South Florida State College |
South Hills School of Business & Technology |
South Piedmont Community College |
South Plains College |
South Suburban College |
South Texas College |
South University-Savannah |
Southeast Community College Area |
Southern Adventist University |
Southern Crescent Technical College |
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale |
Southern Technical College |
Southwest Tennessee Community College |
Southwestern College |
Southwestern Community College |
Southwestern Michigan College |
SOWELA Technical Community College |
Spokane Falls Community College |
Springfield Technical Community College |
St Charles Community College |
St Clair County Community College |
St Philip’s College |
Stanly Community College |
Stark State College |
State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota |
Stevens-Henager College |
Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts |
Suffolk County Community College |
Sullivan County Community College |
Sullivan University |
SUNY Adirondack |
SUNY Broome Community College |
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill |
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred |
SUNY Westchester Community College |
Surry Community College |
Sussex County Community College |
Tarrant County College District |
Terra State Community College |
Texas State Technical College |
The Art Institute of Atlanta |
The Art Institute of Austin |
The Art Institute of Houston |
The Art Institute of San Antonio |
The Art Institute of Virginia Beach |
The Creative Center |
The Modern College of Design |
The New School |
The North Coast College |
Three Rivers Community College |
Tidewater Community College |
Tompkins Cortland Community College |
Trident Technical College |
Trinidad State College |
Trinity Valley Community College |
Triton College |
Truckee Meadows Community College |
Trumbull Business College |
Tulsa Community College |
Tunxis Community College |
Tyler Junior College |
Ulster County Community College |
Union College |
United Tribes Technical College |
Universal Technology College of Puerto Rico |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Carolina Campus |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Gurabo Campus |
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico |
University of Advancing Technology |
University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash College |
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus |
University of New Haven |
University of Puerto Rico-Carolina |
University of Rio Grande |
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne |
University of South Dakota |
University of the District of Columbia |
University of the Incarnate Word |
Utah Valley University |
Ventura College |
Villa Maria College |
Vincennes University |
Virginia Peninsula Community College |
Virginia Western Community College |
Wade College |
Wake Technical Community College |
Walla Walla University |
Washburn University |
Washington Adventist University |
Washington State Community College |
Washtenaw Community College |
Waubonsee Community College |
Waukesha County Technical College |
Wayne Community College |
Wayne County Community College District |
Weber State University |
Wenatchee Valley College |
West Valley College |
Western Iowa Tech Community College |
Western Nevada College |
Western New Mexico University |
Western Piedmont Community College |
Western Technical College |
Western Texas College |
Westmoreland County Community College |
Westwood College – Denver North |
Westwood College – DuPage |
Westwood College – Los Angeles |
Westwood College – O’Hare Airport |
Westwood College – South Bay |
Wichita State University-Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology |
Wilkes Community College |
William Rainey Harper College |
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College |
Wood Tobe – Coburn School |
Wright State University-Lake Campus |
Wright State University-Main Campus |
Yavapai College |
York Technical College |
Yuba College |
Bachelor’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Abertay University |
Abilene Christian University |
Academy of Art University |
Adrian College |
AI Miami International University of Art and Design |
Alberta University of the Arts |
Albertus Magnus College |
Albright College |
Allegheny College |
Alverno College |
American Academy of Art College |
American InterContinental University |
American InterContinental University-Atlanta |
American University |
Anderson University |
Anderson University |
Andrews University |
Anna Maria College |
Appalachian State University |
Arcadia University |
Argosy University |
Arizona State University Campus Immersion |
Arizona State University Digital Immersion |
Arkansas State University |
Arkansas Tech University |
Art Academy of Cincinnati |
Art Center College of Design |
Art Institute of Cincinnati (The) |
Art Institute of Colorado (The) |
Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale (The) |
Art Institute of Las Vegas (The) |
Art Institute of Philadelphia (The) – |
Art Institute of Pittsburgh (The) |
Art Institute of Portland (The) |
Art Institute of Seattle (The) |
Art Institute of York (The) – Pennsylvania |
Art Institutes International Minnesota (The) |
Asbury University |
Ashford University |
Ashland University |
Assumption University |
Atlantic University College |
Auburn University |
Augsburg University |
Augustana College |
Aurora University |
Azusa Pacific University |
Baker College |
Baker University |
Baldwin Wallace University |
Ball State University |
Barton College |
Bay Path University |
Baylor University |
Becker College |
Belhaven University |
Bellarmine University |
Bellevue College |
Bellevue University |
Belmont University |
Bemidji State University |
Benedictine College |
Benedictine University |
Bennington College |
Bentley University |
Berkeley College-Woodland Park |
Bethany College |
Bethany Lutheran College |
Bethel College-North Newton |
Bethel University |
Bethel University |
Bethesda University |
Beverly Hills Design Institute |
Biola University |
Black Hills State University |
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania |
Bluffton University |
Bob Jones University |
Boise State University |
Boston University |
Bowie State University |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
Bradley University |
Brenau University |
Brescia University |
Briar Cliff University |
Briarcliffe College |
Brigham Young University |
Brigham Young University-Hawaii |
Brigham Young University-Idaho |
Broadview College |
Brooks Institute |
Buena Vista University |
Burlington College |
Butler University |
Cabrini University |
Cairn University-Langhorne |
Caldwell University |
California Baptist University |
California College of the Arts |
California Institute of the Arts |
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona |
California State University-Chico |
California State University-Dominguez Hills |
California State University-Fresno |
California State University-Long Beach |
California State University-Monterey Bay |
California State University-Northridge |
California State University-Sacramento |
California State University-San Bernardino |
California University of Pennsylvania |
Calvin University |
Campbell University |
Cardinal Stritch University |
Carleton University |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Carolina University |
Carroll University |
Carson-Newman University |
Carthage College |
Castleton University |
Cazenovia College |
Cedarville University |
Centenary University |
Central Connecticut State University |
Central Michigan University |
Central Washington University |
Chaminade University of Honolulu |
Champlain College |
Chapman University |
Charleston Southern University |
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania |
Chowan University |
Christian Brothers University |
Clark Atlanta University |
Clarke University |
Clemson University |
Cleveland Institute of Art |
Cleveland State University |
Clover Park Technical College |
Coastal Carolina University |
Coker University |
Colby-Sawyer College |
College for Creative Studies |
College of the Ozarks |
Colorado Mesa University |
Colorado State University-Fort Collins |
Columbia College |
Columbia College Chicago |
Columbia College Hollywood |
Columbus College of Art and Design |
Concord University |
Concordia University |
Concordia University-Chicago |
Concordia University-Irvine |
Concordia University-Nebraska |
Concordia University-Saint Paul |
Concordia University-Wisconsin |
Converse University |
Cornerstone University |
Cornish College of the Arts |
Creighton University |
Culver-Stockton College |
CUNY Graduate School and University Center |
CUNY Lehman College |
CUNY New York City College of Technology |
CUNY Queens College |
Curry College |
Daemen University |
Dakota State University |
Dakota Wesleyan University |
Dallas Baptist University |
Daniel Webster College |
Defiance College |
Delaware State University |
DePaul University |
Design Institute of San Diego |
Digital Media Arts College |
Dine College |
Doane University |
Dominican University |
Dominican University of California |
Dordt University |
Dowling College |
Drake University |
Drexel University |
Drury University |
Drury University-College of Continuing Professional Studies |
Dunwoody College of Technology |
Eagle Gate College-Murray |
East Carolina University |
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania |
East Tennessee State University |
Eastern Michigan University |
Eastern Washington University |
Edgewood College |
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Juan |
Elizabeth City State University |
Elizabethtown College |
Elmhurst University |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott |
Emily Carr University of Art and Design |
Emmanuel College |
Emory & Henry College |
Endicott College |
Escuela de Artes Plasticas y Diseno de Puerto Rico |
Eureka College |
Evangel University |
Fairleigh Dickinson University-Florham Campus |
Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus |
Fairmont State University |
Farmingdale State College |
Fashion Institute of Technology |
Ferris State University |
Ferrum College |
FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising |
FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising-San Francisco |
Finlandia University |
Fitchburg State University |
Flagler College |
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University |
Florida International University |
Florida Southern College |
Florida State University |
Fort Valley State University |
Framingham State University |
Franklin College |
Franklin University |
Freed-Hardeman University |
Fresno Pacific University |
Full Sail University |
Gardner-Webb University |
Gemini School of Visual Arts & Communication |
Geneva College |
George Fox University |
George Mason University |
George Washington University |
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus |
Georgia Southern University |
Glasgow School of Art |
Goshen College |
Grace College and Theological Seminary |
Graceland University-Lamoni |
Grand Canyon University |
Grand View University |
Great Basin College |
Guilford College |
Hampshire College |
Hannibal-LaGrange University |
Hanover College |
Harding University |
Hardin-Simmons University |
Harrington College of Design |
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology |
Herzing University-Akron |
Herzing University-Madison |
High Point University |
Highline College |
Hiram College |
Holy Family College |
Houghton University |
Houston Baptist University |
Howard University |
Huntington University |
Hussian College-Philadelphia |
Husson University |
Illinois Institute of Art (The) |
Illinois State University |
Independence University |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus |
Indiana University-Bloomington |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Barranquitas |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Fajardo |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Metro |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San German |
Interior Designers Institute |
International Business College-Indianapolis |
Iowa State University |
Iowa Wesleyan University |
James Cook University |
John Brown University |
Johnson & Wales University-Providence |
Jose Maria Vargas University |
Judson University |
Juniata College |
Kansas City Art Institute |
Kansas State University |
Kansas Wesleyan University |
Kean University |
Keene State College |
Keiser University-Ft Lauderdale |
Kennesaw State University |
Kent State University at Kent |
Kentucky Wesleyan College |
Kingston University |
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania |
La Roche University |
La Sierra University |
Laguna College of Art and Design |
Lake Washington Institute of Technology |
Lakeland University |
Lamar University |
Lasell University |
Lawrence Technological University |
Lebanese American University |
Lebanon Valley College |
Leeds Arts University |
Leeds Beckett University |
Lehigh University |
Lenoir-Rhyne University |
Lesley University |
Lewis University |
Liberty University |
LIM College |
Limestone University |
Lindenwood University |
Linfield University |
Lipscomb University |
Living Arts College |
Long Island University |
Longwood University |
Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art |
Los Angeles Film School |
Louisiana Christian University |
Louisiana Tech University |
Loyola University Chicago |
Loyola University New Orleans |
Lubbock Christian University |
Luther College |
Lycoming College |
Lynn University |
Madonna University |
Maine College of Art & Design |
Malone University |
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania |
Marian University |
Marian University |
Marietta College |
Marist College |
Mars Hill University |
Marygrove College |
Maryland Institute College of Art |
Marylhurst University |
Marymount Manhattan College |
Marymount University |
Maryville College |
Maryville University of Saint Louis |
Marywood University |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design |
McMurry University |
McPherson College |
Memphis College of Art |
Mercer University |
Mercy College |
Mercyhurst University |
Meredith College |
Merrimack College |
Messiah University |
Methodist University |
Metropolitan State University of Denver |
Miami International University of Art & Design-Art Institute Dallas |
Miami University-Oxford |
Michigan State University |
MidAmerica Nazarene University |
Middle Georgia State University |
Middle Tennessee State University |
Millersville University of Pennsylvania |
Milligan University |
Millikin University |
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design |
Minnesota State University Moorhead |
Mississippi College |
Missouri State University-Springfield |
Missouri Western State University |
Monmouth University |
Montana State University-Northern |
Montclair State University |
Montserrat College of Art |
Moore College of Art and Design |
Morgan State University |
Morningside University |
Mount Ida College |
Mount Mary University |
Mount Mercy University |
Mount Saint Joseph University |
Mount Saint Mary’s University |
Mount Vernon Nazarene University |
Mt Sierra College |
National American University-Rapid City |
Nazareth College |
Nevada State College |
New England College |
New England Institute of Art (The) |
New England Institute of Technology |
New Jersey Institute of Technology |
New York Film Academy |
New York Institute of Technology |
New York School of Interior Design |
Newberry College |
Newbury College |
Newschool of Architecture and Design |
North Carolina A & T State University |
North Carolina State University at Raleigh |
North Central College |
North Dakota State University-Main Campus |
Northeastern Illinois University |
Northeastern State University |
Northeastern University |
Northern Arizona University |
Northern Kentucky University |
Northern State University |
Northern Vermont University |
Northland College |
Northwest College of Art & Design |
Northwest Missouri State University |
Northwest Nazarene University |
Northwestern College |
Norwich University |
Nossi College of Art |
Notre Dame College |
Notre Dame de Namur University |
NUC University |
Oakland City University |
Oakland University |
Ohio Dominican University |
Ohio Northern University |
Ohio State University-Main Campus |
Ohio University-Chillicothe Campus |
Ohio University-Eastern Campus |
Ohio University-Lancaster Campus |
Ohio University-Main Campus |
Ohio University-Southern Campus |
Ohio University-Zanesville Campus |
Oklahoma Baptist University |
Oklahoma Christian University |
Oklahoma City University |
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus |
Olivet College |
Olivet Nazarene University |
O’More College of Design |
Oral Roberts University |
Oregon State University |
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus |
Otis College of Art and Design |
Otterbein University |
Ouachita Baptist University |
Pacific Northwest College of Art |
Pacific Union College |
Paier College |
Palm Beach Atlantic University |
Park University |
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts |
Pennsylvania College of Art and Design |
Pennsylvania College of Technology |
Peru State College |
Pfeiffer University |
Piedmont University |
Pittsburg State University |
Platt College-Los Angeles |
Platt College-Ontario |
Point Loma Nazarene University |
Point Park University |
Portland State University |
Prairie View A & M University |
Pratt Institute-Main |
Provo College |
Purdue University Fort Wayne |
Purdue University-Main Campus |
Queens University of Charlotte |
Quincy University |
Quinnipiac University |
Radford University |
Rasmussen University-Florida |
Rasmussen University-Illinois |
Rasmussen University-Kansas |
Rasmussen University-Minnesota |
Rasmussen University-North Dakota |
Rasmussen University-Wisconsin |
Regent University |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Rhode Island School of Design |
Richmond, The American International University in London |
Rider University |
Ringling College of Art and Design |
Rivier University |
Robert Morris University |
Robert Morris University Illinois |
Rochester Institute of Technology |
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design |
Roger Williams University |
Roosevelt University |
Russell Sage College |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick |
Sacred Heart University |
SAE Expression College |
Saginaw Valley State University |
Saint Ambrose University |
Saint Cloud State University |
Saint Edward’s University |
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine |
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College |
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota |
Saint Norbert College |
Saint Vincent College |
Saint Xavier University |
Salem College |
Salem State University |
Sam Houston State University |
Samford University |
San Diego State University |
San Francisco Art Institute |
San Francisco State University |
San Jose State University |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Santa Fe University of Art and Design |
Savannah College of Art and Design |
School of Visual Arts |
Schreiner University |
Seattle Pacific University |
Seattle University |
Seminole State College of Florida |
Sessions College for Professional Design |
Seton Hall University |
Seton Hill University |
Shawnee State University |
Siena Heights University |
Simpson College |
Smith College |
South Dakota State University |
South University-Savannah |
Southeastern University |
Southern Adventist University |
Southern Arkansas University Main Campus |
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale |
Southern Methodist University |
Southern New Hampshire University |
Southern Technical College |
Southern Utah University |
Southwest Baptist University |
Southwest University of Visual Arts-Albuquerque |
Southwest University of Visual Arts-Tucson |
Southwestern College |
Southwestern Oklahoma State University |
Spring Arbor University |
Spring Hill College |
Springfield College |
St Andrews University |
St Catherine University |
St John’s University-New York |
St Thomas Aquinas College |
State University of New York at New Paltz |
State University of New York at Oswego |
Stephen F Austin State University |
Stephens College |
Sterling College |
Stevens-Henager College |
Stevens-Henager College |
Stevenson University |
Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts |
Stonehill College |
Suffolk University |
Sullivan University |
SUNY at Fredonia |
SUNY at Purchase College |
SUNY Buffalo State University |
SUNY College at Potsdam |
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill |
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred |
SUNY College of Technology at Canton |
SUNY Cortland |
SUNY Oneonta |
SUNY Polytechnic Institute |
Susquehanna University |
Swarthmore College |
Syracuse University |
Tabor College |
Taylor University |
Temple University |
Texas A & M University-Commerce |
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi |
Texas Christian University |
Texas State University |
Texas Tech University |
Texas Woman’s University |
The Art Institute of Atlanta |
The Art Institute of Austin |
The Art Institute of Houston |
The Art Institute of San Antonio |
The Art Institute of Virginia Beach |
The College of New Jersey |
The College of Saint Rose |
The College of Westchester |
The Creative Center |
The King’s University |
The Modern College of Design |
The New School |
The North Coast College |
The Pennsylvania State University |
The University of Alabama |
The University of Findlay |
The University of Tampa |
The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga |
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville |
The University of Texas at Arlington |
The University of Texas at Austin |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley |
The University of the Arts |
Thomas Jefferson University |
Trinity Christian College |
Trinity International University-Illinois |
Trinity Lutheran College |
Troy University |
Tulane University of Louisiana |
Union College |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Gurabo Campus |
Universidad de Monterrey |
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico |
University of Advancing Technology |
University of Akron Main Campus |
University of Arizona |
University of Arkansas |
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith |
University of Bridgeport |
University of California-Davis |
University of California-Irvine |
University of California-Los Angeles |
University of California-San Diego |
University of California-Santa Cruz |
University of Central Arkansas |
University of Central Missouri |
University of Central Oklahoma |
University of Charleston |
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus |
University of Dayton |
University of Delaware |
University of Denver |
University of Evansville |
University of Florida |
University of Hartford |
University of Houston |
University of Houston-Victoria |
University of Idaho |
University of Illinois Chicago |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
University of Indianapolis |
University of Jamestown |
University of Kansas |
University of Kentucky |
University of La Verne |
University of Lincoln |
University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore |
University of Maryland-Baltimore County |
University of Maryland-College Park |
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth |
University of Massachusetts-Lowell |
University of Memphis |
University of Miami |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
University of Michigan-Flint |
University of Minnesota-Duluth |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of Missouri-Kansas City |
University of Mobile |
University of Mount Olive |
University of Mount Union |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
University of Nevada-Las Vegas |
University of New England |
University of New Haven |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte |
University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
University of North Dakota |
University of North Georgia |
University of North Texas |
University of Northern Iowa |
University of Northwestern-St Paul |
University of Notre Dame |
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus |
University of Oregon |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of Puerto Rico-Carolina |
University of Redlands |
University of Rio Grande |
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne |
University of Salford (The) |
University of San Francisco |
University of Silicon Valley |
University of South Florida |
University of Southampton |
University of Southern California |
University of the Arts London |
University of the District of Columbia |
University of the Incarnate Word |
University of the Pacific |
University of Utah |
University of Washington-Seattle Campus |
University of Westminster |
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
University of Wisconsin-Parkside |
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point |
University of Wisconsin-Stout |
University of Worcester |
Upper Iowa University |
Ursuline College |
Utah State University |
Utah Valley University |
Valdosta State University |
Vermont Technical College |
Villa Maria College |
Virginia College |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Viterbo University |
Wade College |
Wake Technical Community College |
Walla Walla University |
Walsh University |
Wartburg College |
Washington State University |
Washington University in St Louis |
Watkins College of Art Design & Film |
Wayland Baptist University |
Wayne State College |
Waynesburg University |
Webber International University |
Weber State University |
Webster University |
Wentworth Institute of Technology |
West Liberty University |
West Texas A & M University |
West Virginia University |
West Virginia Wesleyan College |
Western Carolina University |
Western Michigan University |
Western Oregon University |
Western Washington University |
Westminster College |
Westminster College |
Westminster College |
Westwood College – Denver North |
Westwood College – DuPage |
Westwood College – Los Angeles |
Westwood College – O’Hare Airport |
Westwood College – South Bay |
Whitworth University |
Wichita State University |
William Jewell College |
William Peace University |
William Woods University |
Wilmington University |
Wilson College |
Winthrop University |
Wisconsin Lutheran College |
Woodbury University |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Xavier University |
York College of Pennsylvania |
Young Harris College |
Doctoral Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Auburn University |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Cornell University |
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus |
Glasgow School of Art |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Simon Fraser University |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
University of Baltimore |
University of Florida |
University of Kansas |
University of Lincoln |
University of Melbourne |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of the Arts London |
First Professional Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Centro De Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco |
Graduate/Professional Certificate (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
American University |
Arizona State University Digital Immersion |
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
California State University-Dominguez Hills |
California State University-Fullerton |
California State University-Monterey Bay |
Endicott College |
Ferris State University |
Florida International University |
George Washington University |
Iowa State University |
Jacksonville University |
Kennesaw State University |
Lesley University |
LIM College |
Lynn University |
Mars Hill University |
Maryland Institute College of Art |
Marywood University |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design |
Mercyhurst University |
Michigan State University |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design |
Mississippi College |
Mount Mary University |
Northeastern University |
Oakland University |
Radford University |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
St Mary’s University |
Stevenson University |
The University of Texas at Austin |
University at Buffalo |
University of Baltimore |
University of Kansas |
University of Maryland, Baltimore |
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of the Arts London |
University of Utah |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Western Oregon University |
Master’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Abertay University |
Academy of Art University |
AI Miami International University of Art and Design |
Alfred University |
American University |
Arizona State University Campus Immersion |
Arizona State University Digital Immersion |
Art Center College of Design |
Atlantic University College |
Auburn University |
Ball State University |
Bob Jones University |
Boise State University |
Boston University |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
Brenau University |
Brigham Young University |
California Baptist University |
California College of the Arts |
California Institute of the Arts |
California State University-Long Beach |
California State University-Northridge |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Central Connecticut State University |
Clemson University |
College for Creative Studies |
Columbia College Chicago |
Columbus College of Art and Design |
Cornell University |
Cranbrook Academy of Art |
DePaul University |
Design Institute of San Diego |
Digital Media Arts College |
Drexel University |
Eastern Michigan University |
Edinburgh Napier University |
Emily Carr University of Art and Design |
Endicott College |
Fashion Institute of Technology |
Ferris State University |
Florida International University |
Florida State University |
Full Sail University |
Furman University |
George Mason University |
George Washington University |
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus |
Glasgow School of Art |
Goldsmiths College – University of London |
Harrington College of Design |
Harvard University |
Hodges University |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Interior Designers Institute |
Iowa State University |
Jacksonville State University |
Jacksonville University |
John Brown University |
Kansas State University |
Kent State University at Kent |
Kingston University |
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania |
Laguna College of Art and Design |
Lawrence Technological University |
Liberty University |
LIM College |
Lindenwood University |
Lindsey Wilson College |
London Metropolitan University |
Long Island University |
Loughborough University |
Lund University |
Lynn University |
Manchester Metropolitan University (The) |
Maryland Institute College of Art |
Marymount University |
Marywood University |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design |
Miami International University of Art & Design-Art Institute Dallas |
Miami University-Oxford |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design |
Mississippi College |
Moore College of Art and Design |
National University |
New England College |
New York Film Academy |
New York Institute of Technology |
New York School of Interior Design |
New York University |
North Carolina State University at Raleigh |
Northeastern University |
Northwestern University |
Norwich University |
Ohio State University-Main Campus |
Ohio University-Main Campus |
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus |
Oregon College of Art & Craft |
Otis College of Art and Design |
Pacific Northwest College of Art |
Pratt Institute-Main |
Purdue University-Main Campus |
Queens University of Charlotte |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Rhode Island School of Design |
Rochester Institute of Technology |
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design |
Royal College of Art |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick |
San Francisco Art Institute |
San Francisco State University |
Savannah College of Art and Design |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
School of Visual Arts |
Sierra Nevada University |
Southeastern University |
St Mary’s University |
Stanford University |
Suffolk University |
Syracuse University |
Temple University |
Texas State University |
The New School |
The Pennsylvania State University |
The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga |
The University of Texas at Austin |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
The University of the Arts |
Thomas Jefferson University |
University at Buffalo |
University of Baltimore |
University of Bridgeport |
University of Brighton |
University of California-Berkeley |
University of California-Los Angeles |
University of Central Lancashire |
University of Central Oklahoma |
University of Chicago |
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus |
University of Delaware |
University of Denver |
University of Dundee |
University of Edinburgh |
University of Florida |
University of Houston |
University of Illinois Chicago |
University of Kansas |
University of Kentucky |
University of Maryland, Baltimore |
University of Maryland-Baltimore County |
University of Massachusetts-Amherst |
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth |
University of Miami |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of New South Wales (The) |
University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
University of North Texas |
University of Notre Dame |
University of Oregon |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of Salford (The) |
University of South Wales |
University of Southern California |
University of the Arts London |
University of the Incarnate Word |
University of Washington-Seattle Campus |
University of Westminster |
University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Utah State University |
Vermont College of Fine Arts |
Victoria University of Wellington |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Washington State University |
Washington University in St Louis |
West Virginia University |
Western Oregon University |
Wichita State University |
Winthrop University |
Yale University |
Post-baccalaureate Certificate (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
California State University-Fullerton |
Columbia College Chicago |
George Mason University |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design |
Mount Mary University |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
St Catherine University |
University of the Arts London |
Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
A – Technical College |
Academia Serrant Inc |
Academy of Art University |
Academy of Interactive Entertainment |
Adrian College |
AI Miami International University of Art and Design |
Alamance Community College |
Albany Technical College |
Alexandria Technical & Community College |
Amarillo College |
American Institute of Interior Design |
American River College |
Angelina College |
Anne Arundel Community College |
Anoka Technical College |
Antelope Valley Community College District |
Arapahoe Community College |
Argosy University |
Arkansas State University-Mountain Home |
Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale (The) |
Art Institute of Las Vegas (The) |
Art Institute of Pittsburgh (The) |
Art Institute of Portland (The) |
Art Institute of Seattle (The) |
Art Institutes International Minnesota (The) |
Athens Technical College |
Atlanta Technical College |
Atlantic Cape Community College |
Atlantic Technical College |
Augsburg University |
Augusta Technical College |
Austin Community College District |
Autry Technology Center |
Baker College |
Bakersfield College |
Baltimore City Community College |
Bates Technical College |
Baton Rouge Community College |
Berkeley City College |
Berks Career & Technology Center |
Bethel College-North Newton |
Beverly Hills Design Institute |
Big Sandy Community and Technical College |
Bismarck State College |
Black Hawk College |
Black Hills State University |
Blinn College District |
Blue Ridge Community College |
Blue Ridge Community College |
Bossier Parish Community College |
Bowie State University |
Bradford School |
Bramson ORT College Main Campus-01 |
Branford Hall Career Institute-Parsippany |
Bridgerland Technical College |
Bristol Community College |
Brookdale Community College |
Bucks County Community College |
Bunker Hill Community College |
Butte College |
Cabell County Career Technology Center |
Canada College |
Canadian Valley Technology Center |
Cape Cod Community College |
Cape Fear Community College |
Capital Community College |
Carroll Community College |
Carteret Community College |
Carthage College |
Catawba Valley Community College |
Cecil College |
Central Community College |
Central Georgia Technical College |
Central Lakes College-Brainerd |
Central Piedmont Community College |
Central Technology Center |
Century College |
Chabot College |
Chaffey College |
Chandler-Gilbert Community College |
Charlotte Technical College |
Chattahoochee Technical College |
Chattahoochee Valley Community College |
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania |
Chisholm Trail Technology Center |
City College of San Francisco |
Clark College |
Clary Sage College |
Cleveland State University |
Clinton Essex Warren Washington BOCES |
Cloud County Community College |
Clover Park Technical College |
Clovis Community College |
Coastal Alabama Community College |
Colegio de CinematografÃa Artes y Television |
College of Alameda |
College of DuPage |
College of Lake County |
College of Marin |
College of San Mateo |
College of Southern Maryland |
College of Southern Nevada |
College of the Canyons |
College of the Sequoias |
Collin County Community College District |
Colorado Mountain College |
Columbia Central University-Caguas |
Columbia Central University-Yauco |
Columbus State Community College |
Columbus State University |
Community Care College |
Community College of Allegheny County |
Community College of Baltimore County |
Community College of Beaver County |
Community College of Denver |
Community College of Vermont |
Cowley County Community College |
Cuesta College |
CUNY LaGuardia Community College |
Cuyahoga Community College District |
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center |
Cuyamaca College |
Cypress College |
Dakota County Technical College |
Dallas College |
Danville Community College |
Daytona State College |
De Anza College |
Delgado Community College |
Delta College of Arts & Technology |
Des Moines Area Community College |
Diablo Valley College |
Dickinson State University |
Dine College |
Douglas Education Center |
Eagle Rock College |
East Central College |
East Los Angeles College |
East San Gabriel Valley Regional Occupational Program |
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania |
Eastern Arizona College |
Eastern New Mexico University-Main Campus |
Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Campus |
Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center |
Eastern Washington University |
Edison State Community College |
El Camino Community College District |
El Paso Community College |
Elgin Community College |
Ensign College |
Erwin Technical College |
Estrella Mountain Community College |
Fashion Institute of Technology |
Fayetteville Technical Community College |
Ferris State University |
Flathead Valley Community College |
Florida State College at Jacksonville |
Foothill College |
Forbes Road Career and Technology Center |
Forsyth Technical Community College |
Fort Peck Community College |
Francis Tuttle Technology Center |
Fred K Marchman Technical College |
Frederick Community College |
Fresno City College |
Front Range Community College |
Full Sail University |
Fullerton College |
GateWay Community College |
Gemini School of Visual Arts & Communication |
Genesee Community College |
George C Wallace State Community College-Hanceville |
Georgia Piedmont Technical College |
Germanna Community College |
Glendale Community College |
Glendale Community College |
Gnomon |
Golden West College |
Gordon Cooper Technology Center |
Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center |
Greenfield Community College |
Greenville Technical College |
Guilford Technical Community College |
Gwinnett Technical College |
Hagerstown Community College |
Halifax Community College |
Harford Community College |
Harrisburg Area Community College |
Hazard Community and Technical College |
Heartland Community College |
Helena College University of Montana |
Hennepin Technical College |
Henry Ford College |
Hickey College |
High Plains Technology Center |
Highland Community College |
Highline College |
Hinds Community College |
Holmes Community College |
Holyoke Community College |
Housatonic Community College |
Houston Community College |
Howard Community College |
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning |
Husson University |
ICDC College |
Illinois Central College |
Illinois Institute of Art (The) |
Illinois Valley Community College |
Indian Capital Technology Center-Muskogee |
Indian River State College |
Indiana County Technology Center |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Industrial Technical College |
Institucion Chaviano de Mayaguez |
Instituto de Banca y Comercio Inc |
Interior Designers Institute |
International Business College-Indianapolis |
Iowa Lakes Community College |
Irvine Valley College |
Isothermal Community College |
Ivy Tech Community College |
J Sargeant Reynolds Community College |
Jackson College |
James Sprunt Community College |
Jamestown Community College |
Jefferson Community and Technical College |
Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art |
John A Logan College |
John C Calhoun State Community College |
Johnson County Community College |
Joliet Junior College |
Kalamazoo Valley Community College |
Kellogg Community College |
Kiamichi Technology Center-McAlester |
Kilgore College |
King’s College |
Kirtland Community College |
La Roche University |
Laguna College of Art and Design |
Lake Michigan College |
Lake Washington Institute of Technology |
Lakeland Community College |
Lamar Institute of Technology |
Lancaster County Career and Technology Center |
Lane Community College |
Laney College |
Lanier Technical College |
Lansing Community College |
Las Positas College |
Lassen Community College |
Lawson State Community College |
Lebanon County Area Vocational Technical School |
Lenoir Community College |
Lewis and Clark Community College |
Lewis-Clark State College |
Liceo de Arte y Tecnologia |
Liceo de Arte-Dise-O y Comercio |
LIM College |
Lincoln Land Community College |
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College |
Linn-Benton Community College |
Lively Technical College |
Living Arts College |
Lone Star College System |
Long Beach City College |
Lorain County Community College |
Los Angeles City College |
Los Angeles Mission College |
Los Angeles Pacific College |
Los Angeles Pierce College |
Los Angeles Trade Technical College |
Los Angeles Valley College |
Los Medanos College |
Luzerne County Community College |
Macomb Community College |
Madonna University |
Massachusetts Bay Community College |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design |
McDowell Technical Community College |
McHenry County College |
Mercer County Community College |
Meridian Technology Center |
Mesa Community College |
Metro Technology Centers |
Metropolitan Community College Area |
Miami Ad School |
Miami Ad School-Atlanta |
Miami Dade College |
Mid-America Technology Center |
Middlesex Community College |
Mid-Plains Community College |
Millikin University |
Milwaukee Area Technical College |
Minneapolis Business College |
Minneapolis Community and Technical College |
Minnesota State Community and Technical College |
Minnesota State University Moorhead |
Minnesota State University-Mankato |
MiraCosta College |
Mission College |
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College |
Monroe Community College |
Monroe County Community College |
Monterey Peninsula College |
Montgomery College |
Moore Norman Technology Center |
Moorpark College |
Moraine Park Technical College |
Moraine Valley Community College |
Mott Community College |
Mount Wachusett Community College |
Mt Hood Community College |
Mt San Antonio College |
Nash Community College |
Nashville State Community College |
Nassau Community College |
National Park College |
Navarro College |
New Mexico State University-Alamogordo |
New Mexico State University-Dona Ana |
New Mexico State University-Grants |
New River Community College |
New York Film Academy |
New York School of Interior Design |
NHTI-Concord’s Community College |
Niagara College |
Niagara County Community College |
Nicolet Area Technical College |
Norco College |
North Central Michigan College |
North Georgia Technical College |
North Hennepin Community College |
North Idaho College |
North Shore Community College |
Northampton County Area Community College |
Northcentral Technical College |
Northeast Texas Community College |
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College |
Northern Arizona University |
Northern Essex Community College |
Northern Virginia Community College |
NorthWest Arkansas Community College |
Northwest College |
Northwest Iowa Community College |
Northwest Mississippi Community College |
Northwest Technology Center-Alva |
Northwestern Connecticut Community College |
Norwalk Community College |
Nova College de Puerto Rico |
NUC University |
Oakton Community College |
Ocean County College |
Ocean County Vocational-Technical School |
Odessa College |
Ohio University-Main Campus |
Ohlone College |
Oklahoma City Community College |
Oklahoma School of Photography |
Olympic College |
Orange Coast College |
Orange Technical College |
Orange Technical College-East Campus |
Orange Technical College-Mid Florida Campus |
Owens Community College |
Paier College |
Palomar College |
Paradise Valley Community College |
Parkland College |
Pasadena City College |
Passaic County Community College |
Patrick & Henry Community College |
Pellissippi State Community College |
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts |
Pennsylvania College of Art and Design |
Phoenix College |
Pickens Technical College |
Piedmont Technical College |
Piedmont Virginia Community College |
Pima Community College |
Pinellas Technical College-Clearwater |
Pinellas Technical College-St Petersburg |
Pitt Community College |
Pittsburg State University |
Platt College-Ontario |
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez |
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-Ponce |
Pontotoc Technology Center |
Porterville College |
Portland Community College |
Prairie State College |
Prince George’s Community College |
Putnam Career and Technical Center |
Quincy College |
Randolph Community College |
Raritan Valley Community College |
Rasmussen University-Florida |
Rasmussen University-Illinois |
Rasmussen University-Kansas |
Rasmussen University-Minnesota |
Rasmussen University-North Dakota |
Rasmussen University-Wisconsin |
Rend Lake College |
Ridge Technical College |
Ridgewater College |
Rio Hondo College |
Rio Salado College |
Riverland Community College |
Riveroak Technical College |
Riverside City College |
Robert Morgan Educational Center and Technical College |
Rochester Community and Technical College |
Rogue Community College |
Rolla Technical Institute/Center |
Rowan College at Burlington County |
Rowan University |
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College |
Sacramento City College |
Saddleback College |
Saint Louis Community College |
Saint Paul College |
Salina Area Technical College |
Salt Lake Community College |
San Antonio College |
San Bernardino Valley College |
San Diego City College |
San Diego Mesa College |
San Diego Miramar College |
San Jacinto Community College |
San Joaquin Delta College |
San Juan College |
Sandhills Community College |
Santa Ana College |
Santa Barbara City College |
Santa Fe Community College |
Santa Monica College |
Santa Rosa Junior College |
Santiago Canyon College |
Sauk Valley Community College |
Savannah College of Art and Design |
Scottsdale Community College |
Seminole State College of Florida |
Sessions College for Professional Design |
Seton Hill University |
Shasta College |
Sheridan Technical College |
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania |
Shoreline Community College |
Sierra College |
Sinclair Community College |
Skagit Valley College |
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania |
Somerset Community College |
South Central Career Center |
South Central College |
South Dakota State University |
South Piedmont Community College |
South Plains College |
South Suburban College |
Southeast Arkansas College |
Southern Crescent Technical College |
Southern Methodist University |
Southern Oklahoma Technology Center |
Southwest Technology Center |
Southwestern College |
SOWELA Technical Community College |
Spartanburg Community College |
Specs Howard School of Media Arts |
Spokane Falls Community College |
Springfield Technical Community College |
St Charles Community College |
St Philip’s College |
Stanly Community College |
Stark State College |
State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota |
Suffolk University |
SUNY Adirondack |
SUNY Buffalo State University |
SUNY Westchester Community College |
Surry Community College |
Sussex County Community College |
Tarrant County College District |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Crump |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Dickson |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Hohenwald |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Memphis |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Morristown |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Murfreesboro |
Texas State Technical College |
The Art Institute of Atlanta |
The Art Institute of Austin |
The Art Institute of Houston |
The Art Institute of San Antonio |
The Art Institute of Virginia Beach |
The Creative Circus |
The University of Montana |
The University of Tennessee-Martin |
The University of Texas at Austin |
Three Rivers Community College |
Tidewater Community College |
Tompkins Cortland Community College |
Tri-County Technical College |
Trident Technical College |
Trinidad State College |
Trinity Valley Community College |
Triton College |
Truckee Meadows Community College |
Tulsa Technology Center |
Tunxis Community College |
Tyler Junior College |
Universidad de Monterrey |
University of Alaska Fairbanks |
University of Arizona |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock |
University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash College |
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus |
University of Evansville |
University of Florida |
University of Kentucky |
University of Massachusetts-Lowell |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of North Georgia |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of the Arts London |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
University of Wisconsin-Parkside |
Utah State University |
Utah Valley University |
Valley City State University |
Ventura Adult and Continuing Education |
Ventura College |
Virginia Peninsula Community College |
Virginia Western Community College |
Wake Technical Community College |
Walla Walla University |
Washburn Institute of Technology |
Washburn University |
Washtenaw Community College |
Watkins College of Art Design & Film |
Waubonsee Community College |
Wayne Community College |
Wayne County Community College District |
Waynesville Career Center |
Webster University |
West Georgia Technical College |
West Kentucky Community and Technical College |
West Valley College |
Western Iowa Tech Community College |
Western Kentucky University |
Western Nevada College |
Western Technical College |
Western Technology Center |
Western Washington University |
Westmoreland County Community College |
Wichita State University-Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology |
Wilkes Community College |
William Rainey Harper College |
William T McFatter Technical College |
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College |
Wood Tobe – Coburn School |
Wright State University-Lake Campus |
Wright State University-Main Campus |
Yavapai College |
York Technical College |
Yuba College |
Zane State College |
Design courses in the US
1 | Commercial and Advertising Art |
2 | Commercial Photography |
3 | Design and Applied Arts, Other |
4 | Design and Visual Communications, General |
5 | Fashion/Apparel Design |
6 | Game and Interactive Media Design |
7 | Graphic Design |
8 | Illustration |
9 | Industrial Design |
10 | Interior Design |
- Community Garden in Michigan - February 13, 2025
- Community Gardens in North Carolina - February 13, 2025
- Community Gardens in Georgia - February 13, 2025