Are you searching for the list of fashion design programs & courses in the US? Do you want to pursue a job-oriented fashion design program in this academic year? Are you searching for an ideal fashion design college near you? If yes, this post will be of help to you. Here, I’ve compiled a list of some of the best fashion design programs & colleges in the US.
In this post, readers will find the following details –
- List of colleges in the US offering fashion design program
- Name of the specific fashion design program
Also check – Yoga teaching programs
This list covers fashion design programs such as – Associate Degree programs, Bachelor’s Degree programs, Master’s Degree programs, Certificate programs & more. The colleges mentioned in this list score well in areas such as – amenities, faculty, affordability, recognition & more.
After going through this list, readers will be able to find an ideal fashion design college near their location. The list consists of some of the best, affordable & value-for-money colleges in the US.
Come, let us check out the list of fashion design programs & colleges in the US now. Here it is –
Table of Contents
- Fashion Design Degrees & Programs in the US
- Associate’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Bachelor’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Doctoral Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- First Professional Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Graduate/Professional Certificate (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Master’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Post-baccalaureate Certificate (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
- Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges –
Fashion Design Degrees & Programs in the US
In the following sections, readers will find different types/degrees of fashion design programs. Let us begin –
Associate’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Academia Serrant Inc |
Academy of Art University |
Adrian College |
AI Miami International University of Art and Design |
Alamance Community College |
Albany Technical College |
Alexandria Technical & Community College |
Allan Hancock College |
Amarillo College |
American Institute of Interior Design |
American InterContinental University |
American River College |
Andrews University |
Angelina College |
Anne Arundel Community College |
Antelope Valley Community College District |
Antonelli College |
Antonelli Institute |
Arapahoe Community College |
Argosy University |
Art Academy of Cincinnati |
Art Institute of Cincinnati (The) |
Art Institute of Colorado (The) |
Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale (The) |
Art Institute of Las Vegas (The) |
Art Institute of New York City (The) |
Art Institute of Philadelphia (The) – |
Art Institute of Pittsburgh (The) |
Art Institute of Portland (The) |
Art Institute of Seattle (The) |
Art Institute of York (The) – Pennsylvania |
Art Institutes International Minnesota (The) |
Athens Technical College |
Atlanta Technical College |
Atlantic University College |
Augusta Technical College |
Austin Community College District |
Baker College |
Bakersfield College |
Baltimore City Community College |
Bates Technical College |
Bauder College |
Bay State College |
Bellevue College |
Bergen Community College |
Berkeley College-Woodland Park |
Beverly Hills Design Institute |
Big Sandy Community and Technical College |
Bismarck State College |
Black Hawk College |
Blinn College District |
Blue Ridge Community College |
Bowling Green State University-Firelands |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
Bradford School |
Bradford School |
Briarcliffe College |
Broadview College |
Brookdale Community College |
Brown Mackie College (the -) |
Bryant & Stratton College-Buffalo |
Bryant & Stratton College-Greece |
Bryant & Stratton College-Syracuse North |
Bryant & Stratton College-Wauwatosa |
Bucks County Community College |
Bunker Hill Community College |
Butte College |
California University of Pennsylvania |
Canada College |
Cankdeska Cikana Community College |
Cape Cod Community College |
Cape Fear Community College |
Capital Community College |
Carroll Community College |
Carteret Community College |
Casper College |
Catawba Valley Community College |
Cazenovia College |
CBT Technology Institute-Main Campus |
Cecil College |
Centenary University |
Central Arizona College |
Central Community College |
Central Georgia Technical College |
Central Lakes College-Brainerd |
Central Piedmont Community College |
Central Texas College |
Central Virginia Community College |
Central Wyoming College |
Century College |
Cerritos College |
Chabot College |
Chaffey College |
Chaminade University of Honolulu |
Chandler-Gilbert Community College |
Chattahoochee Technical College |
Chattahoochee Valley Community College |
Chattanooga State Community College |
Chemeketa Community College |
Chippewa Valley Technical College |
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College |
City College of San Francisco |
Clark College |
Clark State College |
Cloud County Community College |
Clover Park Technical College |
Clovis Community College |
Coastal Alabama Community College |
College of DuPage |
College of Marin |
College of San Mateo |
College of Southern Nevada |
College of the Canyons |
College of the Sequoias |
CollegeAmerica-Denver |
Collin County Community College District |
Colorado Mountain College |
Columbia Central University-Caguas |
Columbia Central University-Yauco |
Columbia College |
Columbia College Hollywood |
Columbus State Community College |
Community Care College |
Community College of Allegheny County |
Community College of Baltimore County |
Community College of Beaver County |
Community College of Denver |
Community College of Vermont |
Copiah-Lincoln Community College |
Cosumnes River College |
County College of Morris |
Cowley County Community College |
Cuesta College |
CUNY Hostos Community College |
CUNY Kingsborough Community College |
CUNY LaGuardia Community College |
CUNY New York City College of Technology |
Cuyahoga Community College District |
Cuyamaca College |
Cypress College |
Dakota County Technical College |
Dallas College |
Davis College |
Daymar College |
Daytona State College |
De Anza College |
Delaware College of Art and Design |
Delaware County Community College |
Delaware Technical Community College-Terry |
Delgado Community College |
Delta College of Arts & Technology |
Des Moines Area Community College |
Diablo Valley College |
Digital Media Arts College |
Digital Media Institute |
Douglas Education Center |
Duluth Business University |
Dunwoody College of Technology |
Dutchess Community College |
Eagle Gate College-Murray |
East Central College |
East Los Angeles College |
Eastern Arizona College |
Eastern Florida State College |
Eastern Iowa Community College District |
Eastern New Mexico University-Main Campus |
Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Campus |
Edison State Community College |
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Juan |
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Sebastian |
EDP University of Puerto Rico-Humacao |
EDP University of Puerto Rico-Manati |
El Camino Community College District |
El Paso Community College |
Elgin Community College |
Ensign College |
Fashion Institute of Technology |
Fayetteville Technical Community College |
Ferris State University |
FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising |
FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising-San Francisco |
Finger Lakes Community College |
Fisher College |
Flathead Valley Community College |
Florida State College at Jacksonville |
Folsom Lake College |
Foothill College |
Forsyth Technical Community College |
Fox Valley Technical College |
Frederick Community College |
Fresno City College |
Front Range Community College |
Full Sail University |
Fullerton College |
Fulton-Montgomery Community College |
GateWay Community College |
Gateway Community College |
Gateway Technical College |
George C Wallace State Community College-Hanceville |
George Washington University |
Georgia Piedmont Technical College |
Glen Oaks Community College |
Glendale Community College |
Glendale Community College |
Globe University |
Gnomon |
Golden West College |
Grand Rapids Community College |
Great Basin College |
Great Bay Community College |
Grossmont College |
Guam Community College |
Guilford Technical Community College |
Gwinnett Technical College |
Hagerstown Community College |
Halifax Community College |
Harcum College |
Harford Community College |
Harrington College of Design |
Harrisburg Area Community College |
Hawkeye Community College |
Heartland Community College |
Hennepin Technical College |
Henry Ford College |
Herzing University-Madison |
Hickey College |
Highland Community College |
Highland Community College |
Highline College |
Hinds Community College |
Holmes Community College |
Honolulu Community College |
Horry-Georgetown Technical College |
Housatonic Community College |
Houston Community College |
Huertas College |
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning |
Hussian College-Daymar College Bowling Green |
Hussian College-Philadelphia |
Hutchinson Community College |
Illinois Central College |
Illinois Institute of Art (The) |
Illinois Valley Community College |
Indian River State College |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de San Juan |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San German |
Interior Designers Institute |
International Business College-Indianapolis |
Iowa Central Community College |
Iowa Lakes Community College |
Irvine Valley College |
Isothermal Community College |
Itawamba Community College |
ITT Technical Institute |
Ivy Tech Community College |
Jackson College |
James Sprunt Community College |
Jefferson Community and Technical College |
John A Logan College |
John C Calhoun State Community College |
John Wood Community College |
Johnson County Community College |
Johnston Community College |
Joliet Junior College |
Kalamazoo Valley Community College |
Kaskaskia College |
Keiser University-Ft Lauderdale |
Kellogg Community College |
Kilgore College |
King’s College |
Kirkwood Community College |
Kirtland Community College |
Lake Michigan College |
Lake Washington Institute of Technology |
Lakeland Community College |
Lakes Region Community College |
Lane Community College |
Laney College |
Lanier Technical College |
Lansing Community College |
Las Positas College |
Lassen Community College |
Lehigh Carbon Community College |
Lenoir Community College |
Lewis-Clark State College |
Lincoln Land Community College |
Linn-Benton Community College |
Lone Star College System |
Long Beach City College |
Los Angeles City College |
Los Angeles Film School |
Los Angeles Mission College |
Los Angeles Pacific College |
Los Angeles Pierce College |
Los Angeles Trade Technical College |
Los Angeles Valley College |
Los Medanos College |
Luna Community College |
Luzerne County Community College |
Lynn University |
Macomb Community College |
Madison Area Technical College |
Madonna University |
Manchester Community College |
Manchester Community College |
Massasoit Community College |
McDowell Technical Community College |
McHenry County College |
Mendocino College |
Mercer County Community College |
Meridian Community College |
Mesa Community College |
Metropolitan Community College Area |
Metropolitan Community College-Kansas City |
Miami Ad School |
Miami Dade College |
Miami International University of Art & Design-Art Institute Dallas |
Mid Michigan College |
Middlesex College |
Middlesex Community College |
Midlands Technical College |
Mid-Plains Community College |
Miller-Motte College-Chattanooga |
Milwaukee Area Technical College |
Minneapolis Business College |
Minneapolis Community and Technical College |
Minnesota School of Business |
Minnesota State Community and Technical College |
Mission College |
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College |
Mitchell College |
Modesto Junior College |
Mohave Community College |
Mohawk Valley Community College |
Monroe Community College |
Monroe County Community College |
Montana State University |
Monterey Peninsula College |
Montgomery College |
Montgomery County Community College |
Moorpark College |
Moraine Park Technical College |
Moraine Valley Community College |
Mott Community College |
Mount Saint Joseph University |
Mount Saint Mary’s University |
Mount Washington College |
Mountwest Community and Technical College |
Mt Hood Community College |
Mt San Antonio College |
Mt San Jacinto Community College District |
Muskegon Community College |
Napa Valley College |
Nash Community College |
Nashville State Community College |
Nassau Community College |
National American University-Rapid City |
National Park College |
Navarro College |
New England Institute of Art (The) |
New England Institute of Technology |
New Mexico State University-Alamogordo |
New Mexico State University-Dona Ana |
New Mexico State University-Main Campus |
New York Film Academy |
New York School of Interior Design |
NHTI-Concord’s Community College |
Niagara County Community College |
Nicolet Area Technical College |
Norco College |
North Georgia Technical College |
North Hennepin Community College |
North Idaho College |
North Shore Community College |
Northampton County Area Community College |
Northeast Community College |
Northeast Mississippi Community College |
Northern Essex Community College |
Northern State University |
Northern Virginia Community College |
NorthWest Arkansas Community College |
Northwest College |
Northwest Iowa Community College |
Northwest Mississippi Community College |
Northwest State Community College |
Northwestern Michigan College |
Norwalk Community College |
Nossi College of Art |
NUC University |
Oakland Community College |
Oakton Community College |
Oakwood University |
Odessa College |
Oglala Lakota College |
Ohlone College |
Oklahoma City Community College |
Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology |
Onondaga Community College |
Orange Coast College |
Owens Community College |
Pacific Union College |
Palm Beach State College |
Palomar College |
Paradise Valley Community College |
Parkland College |
Pasadena City College |
Pellissippi State Community College |
Pennsylvania College of Technology |
Phoenix College |
Pierpont Community and Technical College |
Pikes Peak State College |
Pima Community College |
Pitt Community College |
Platt College-Los Angeles |
Platt College-Ontario |
Platt College-San Diego |
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-Ponce |
Porterville College |
Portland Community College |
Prairie State College |
Pratt Community College |
Pratt Institute-Main |
Prince George’s Community College |
Provo College |
Purdue University Fort Wayne |
Quinsigamond Community College |
Randolph Community College |
Raritan Valley Community College |
Rasmussen University-Florida |
Rasmussen University-Illinois |
Rasmussen University-Kansas |
Rasmussen University-Minnesota |
Rasmussen University-North Dakota |
Rasmussen University-Wisconsin |
Remington College-Dallas Campus |
Remington College-Fort Worth Campus |
Remington College-Knoxville |
Rend Lake College |
Richland Community College |
Ridgewater College |
Rio Hondo College |
Rochester Community and Technical College |
Rochester Institute of Technology |
Rockland Community College |
Rogue Community College |
Roosevelt University |
Rowan College at Burlington County |
Rowan College of South Jersey-Cumberland Campus |
Rowan College of South Jersey-Gloucester Campus |
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College |
Saddleback College |
Saint Johns River State College |
Saint Louis Community College |
Saint Paul College |
Salem Community College |
Salina Area Technical College |
Salt Lake Community College |
San Antonio College |
San Bernardino Valley College |
San Diego City College |
San Diego Mesa College |
San Diego Miramar College |
San Jacinto Community College |
San Joaquin Delta College |
San Juan College |
Sandhills Community College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Santa Ana College |
Santa Barbara City College |
Santa Fe Community College |
Santa Monica College |
Santa Rosa Junior College |
Santiago Canyon College |
Sauk Valley Community College |
Schenectady County Community College |
Scottsdale Community College |
Seattle Central College |
Seminole State College of Florida |
Sessions College for Professional Design |
Shoreline Community College |
Sierra College |
Sinclair Community College |
Solano Community College |
South Central College |
South Florida State College |
South Hills School of Business & Technology |
South Piedmont Community College |
South Plains College |
South Suburban College |
South Texas College |
South University-Savannah |
Southeast Community College Area |
Southern Adventist University |
Southern Crescent Technical College |
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale |
Southern Technical College |
Southwest Tennessee Community College |
Southwestern College |
Southwestern Community College |
Southwestern Michigan College |
SOWELA Technical Community College |
Spokane Falls Community College |
Springfield Technical Community College |
St Charles Community College |
St Clair County Community College |
St Philip’s College |
Stanly Community College |
Stark State College |
State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota |
Stevens-Henager College |
Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts |
Suffolk County Community College |
Sullivan County Community College |
Sullivan University |
SUNY Adirondack |
SUNY Broome Community College |
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill |
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred |
SUNY Westchester Community College |
Surry Community College |
Sussex County Community College |
Tarrant County College District |
Terra State Community College |
Texas State Technical College |
The Art Institute of Atlanta |
The Art Institute of Austin |
The Art Institute of Houston |
The Art Institute of San Antonio |
The Art Institute of Virginia Beach |
The Creative Center |
The Modern College of Design |
The New School |
The North Coast College |
Three Rivers Community College |
Tidewater Community College |
Tompkins Cortland Community College |
Trident Technical College |
Trinidad State College |
Trinity Valley Community College |
Triton College |
Truckee Meadows Community College |
Trumbull Business College |
Tulsa Community College |
Tunxis Community College |
Tyler Junior College |
Ulster County Community College |
Union College |
United Tribes Technical College |
Universal Technology College of Puerto Rico |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Carolina Campus |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Gurabo Campus |
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico |
University of Advancing Technology |
University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash College |
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus |
University of New Haven |
University of Puerto Rico-Carolina |
University of Rio Grande |
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne |
University of South Dakota |
University of the District of Columbia |
University of the Incarnate Word |
Utah Valley University |
Ventura College |
Villa Maria College |
Vincennes University |
Virginia Peninsula Community College |
Virginia Western Community College |
Wade College |
Wake Technical Community College |
Walla Walla University |
Washburn University |
Washington Adventist University |
Washington State Community College |
Washtenaw Community College |
Waubonsee Community College |
Waukesha County Technical College |
Wayne Community College |
Wayne County Community College District |
Weber State University |
Wenatchee Valley College |
West Valley College |
Western Iowa Tech Community College |
Western Nevada College |
Western New Mexico University |
Western Piedmont Community College |
Western Technical College |
Western Texas College |
Westmoreland County Community College |
Westwood College – Denver North |
Westwood College – DuPage |
Westwood College – Los Angeles |
Westwood College – O’Hare Airport |
Westwood College – South Bay |
Wichita State University-Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology |
Wilkes Community College |
William Rainey Harper College |
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College |
Wood Tobe – Coburn School |
Wright State University-Lake Campus |
Wright State University-Main Campus |
Yavapai College |
York Technical College |
Yuba College |
Bachelor’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Abertay University |
Abilene Christian University |
Academy of Art University |
Adrian College |
AI Miami International University of Art and Design |
Alberta University of the Arts |
Albertus Magnus College |
Albright College |
Allegheny College |
Alverno College |
American Academy of Art College |
American InterContinental University |
American InterContinental University-Atlanta |
American University |
Anderson University |
Anderson University |
Andrews University |
Anna Maria College |
Appalachian State University |
Arcadia University |
Argosy University |
Arizona State University Campus Immersion |
Arizona State University Digital Immersion |
Arkansas State University |
Arkansas Tech University |
Art Academy of Cincinnati |
Art Center College of Design |
Art Institute of Cincinnati (The) |
Art Institute of Colorado (The) |
Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale (The) |
Art Institute of Las Vegas (The) |
Art Institute of Philadelphia (The) – |
Art Institute of Pittsburgh (The) |
Art Institute of Portland (The) |
Art Institute of Seattle (The) |
Art Institute of York (The) – Pennsylvania |
Art Institutes International Minnesota (The) |
Asbury University |
Ashford University |
Ashland University |
Assumption University |
Atlantic University College |
Auburn University |
Augsburg University |
Augustana College |
Aurora University |
Azusa Pacific University |
Baker College |
Baker University |
Baldwin Wallace University |
Ball State University |
Barton College |
Bay Path University |
Baylor University |
Becker College |
Belhaven University |
Bellarmine University |
Bellevue College |
Bellevue University |
Belmont University |
Bemidji State University |
Benedictine College |
Benedictine University |
Bennington College |
Bentley University |
Berkeley College-Woodland Park |
Bethany College |
Bethany Lutheran College |
Bethel College-North Newton |
Bethel University |
Bethel University |
Bethesda University |
Beverly Hills Design Institute |
Biola University |
Black Hills State University |
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania |
Bluffton University |
Bob Jones University |
Boise State University |
Boston University |
Bowie State University |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
Bradley University |
Brenau University |
Brescia University |
Briar Cliff University |
Briarcliffe College |
Brigham Young University |
Brigham Young University-Hawaii |
Brigham Young University-Idaho |
Broadview College |
Brooks Institute |
Buena Vista University |
Burlington College |
Butler University |
Cabrini University |
Cairn University-Langhorne |
Caldwell University |
California Baptist University |
California College of the Arts |
California Institute of the Arts |
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona |
California State University-Chico |
California State University-Dominguez Hills |
California State University-Fresno |
California State University-Long Beach |
California State University-Monterey Bay |
California State University-Northridge |
California State University-Sacramento |
California State University-San Bernardino |
California University of Pennsylvania |
Calvin University |
Campbell University |
Cardinal Stritch University |
Carleton University |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Carolina University |
Carroll University |
Carson-Newman University |
Carthage College |
Castleton University |
Cazenovia College |
Cedarville University |
Centenary University |
Central Connecticut State University |
Central Michigan University |
Central Washington University |
Chaminade University of Honolulu |
Champlain College |
Chapman University |
Charleston Southern University |
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania |
Chowan University |
Christian Brothers University |
Clark Atlanta University |
Clarke University |
Clemson University |
Cleveland Institute of Art |
Cleveland State University |
Clover Park Technical College |
Coastal Carolina University |
Coker University |
Colby-Sawyer College |
College for Creative Studies |
College of the Ozarks |
Colorado Mesa University |
Colorado State University-Fort Collins |
Columbia College |
Columbia College Chicago |
Columbia College Hollywood |
Columbus College of Art and Design |
Concord University |
Concordia University |
Concordia University-Chicago |
Concordia University-Irvine |
Concordia University-Nebraska |
Concordia University-Saint Paul |
Concordia University-Wisconsin |
Converse University |
Cornerstone University |
Cornish College of the Arts |
Creighton University |
Culver-Stockton College |
CUNY Graduate School and University Center |
CUNY Lehman College |
CUNY New York City College of Technology |
CUNY Queens College |
Curry College |
Daemen University |
Dakota State University |
Dakota Wesleyan University |
Dallas Baptist University |
Daniel Webster College |
Defiance College |
Delaware State University |
DePaul University |
Design Institute of San Diego |
Digital Media Arts College |
Dine College |
Doane University |
Dominican University |
Dominican University of California |
Dordt University |
Dowling College |
Drake University |
Drexel University |
Drury University |
Drury University-College of Continuing Professional Studies |
Dunwoody College of Technology |
Eagle Gate College-Murray |
East Carolina University |
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania |
East Tennessee State University |
Eastern Michigan University |
Eastern Washington University |
Edgewood College |
EDP University of Puerto Rico Inc-San Juan |
Elizabeth City State University |
Elizabethtown College |
Elmhurst University |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott |
Emily Carr University of Art and Design |
Emmanuel College |
Emory & Henry College |
Endicott College |
Escuela de Artes Plasticas y Diseno de Puerto Rico |
Eureka College |
Evangel University |
Fairleigh Dickinson University-Florham Campus |
Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus |
Fairmont State University |
Farmingdale State College |
Fashion Institute of Technology |
Ferris State University |
Ferrum College |
FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising |
FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising-San Francisco |
Finlandia University |
Fitchburg State University |
Flagler College |
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University |
Florida International University |
Florida Southern College |
Florida State University |
Fort Valley State University |
Framingham State University |
Franklin College |
Franklin University |
Freed-Hardeman University |
Fresno Pacific University |
Full Sail University |
Gardner-Webb University |
Gemini School of Visual Arts & Communication |
Geneva College |
George Fox University |
George Mason University |
George Washington University |
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus |
Georgia Southern University |
Glasgow School of Art |
Goshen College |
Grace College and Theological Seminary |
Graceland University-Lamoni |
Grand Canyon University |
Grand View University |
Great Basin College |
Guilford College |
Hampshire College |
Hannibal-LaGrange University |
Hanover College |
Harding University |
Hardin-Simmons University |
Harrington College of Design |
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology |
Herzing University-Akron |
Herzing University-Madison |
High Point University |
Highline College |
Hiram College |
Holy Family College |
Houghton University |
Houston Baptist University |
Howard University |
Huntington University |
Hussian College-Philadelphia |
Husson University |
Illinois Institute of Art (The) |
Illinois State University |
Independence University |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus |
Indiana University-Bloomington |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Barranquitas |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Fajardo |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Metro |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San German |
Interior Designers Institute |
International Business College-Indianapolis |
Iowa State University |
Iowa Wesleyan University |
James Cook University |
John Brown University |
Johnson & Wales University-Providence |
Jose Maria Vargas University |
Judson University |
Juniata College |
Kansas City Art Institute |
Kansas State University |
Kansas Wesleyan University |
Kean University |
Keene State College |
Keiser University-Ft Lauderdale |
Kennesaw State University |
Kent State University at Kent |
Kentucky Wesleyan College |
Kingston University |
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania |
La Roche University |
La Sierra University |
Laguna College of Art and Design |
Lake Washington Institute of Technology |
Lakeland University |
Lamar University |
Lasell University |
Lawrence Technological University |
Lebanese American University |
Lebanon Valley College |
Leeds Arts University |
Leeds Beckett University |
Lehigh University |
Lenoir-Rhyne University |
Lesley University |
Lewis University |
Liberty University |
LIM College |
Limestone University |
Lindenwood University |
Linfield University |
Lipscomb University |
Living Arts College |
Long Island University |
Longwood University |
Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art |
Los Angeles Film School |
Louisiana Christian University |
Louisiana Tech University |
Loyola University Chicago |
Loyola University New Orleans |
Lubbock Christian University |
Luther College |
Lycoming College |
Lynn University |
Madonna University |
Maine College of Art & Design |
Malone University |
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania |
Marian University |
Marian University |
Marietta College |
Marist College |
Mars Hill University |
Marygrove College |
Maryland Institute College of Art |
Marylhurst University |
Marymount Manhattan College |
Marymount University |
Maryville College |
Maryville University of Saint Louis |
Marywood University |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design |
McMurry University |
McPherson College |
Memphis College of Art |
Mercer University |
Mercy College |
Mercyhurst University |
Meredith College |
Merrimack College |
Messiah University |
Methodist University |
Metropolitan State University of Denver |
Miami International University of Art & Design-Art Institute Dallas |
Miami University-Oxford |
Michigan State University |
MidAmerica Nazarene University |
Middle Georgia State University |
Middle Tennessee State University |
Millersville University of Pennsylvania |
Milligan University |
Millikin University |
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design |
Minnesota State University Moorhead |
Mississippi College |
Missouri State University-Springfield |
Missouri Western State University |
Monmouth University |
Montana State University-Northern |
Montclair State University |
Montserrat College of Art |
Moore College of Art and Design |
Morgan State University |
Morningside University |
Mount Ida College |
Mount Mary University |
Mount Mercy University |
Mount Saint Joseph University |
Mount Saint Mary’s University |
Mount Vernon Nazarene University |
Mt Sierra College |
National American University-Rapid City |
Nazareth College |
Nevada State College |
New England College |
New England Institute of Art (The) |
New England Institute of Technology |
New Jersey Institute of Technology |
New York Film Academy |
New York Institute of Technology |
New York School of Interior Design |
Newberry College |
Newbury College |
Newschool of Architecture and Design |
North Carolina A & T State University |
North Carolina State University at Raleigh |
North Central College |
North Dakota State University-Main Campus |
Northeastern Illinois University |
Northeastern State University |
Northeastern University |
Northern Arizona University |
Northern Kentucky University |
Northern State University |
Northern Vermont University |
Northland College |
Northwest College of Art & Design |
Northwest Missouri State University |
Northwest Nazarene University |
Northwestern College |
Norwich University |
Nossi College of Art |
Notre Dame College |
Notre Dame de Namur University |
NUC University |
Oakland City University |
Oakland University |
Ohio Dominican University |
Ohio Northern University |
Ohio State University-Main Campus |
Ohio University-Chillicothe Campus |
Ohio University-Eastern Campus |
Ohio University-Lancaster Campus |
Ohio University-Main Campus |
Ohio University-Southern Campus |
Ohio University-Zanesville Campus |
Oklahoma Baptist University |
Oklahoma Christian University |
Oklahoma City University |
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus |
Olivet College |
Olivet Nazarene University |
O’More College of Design |
Oral Roberts University |
Oregon State University |
Oregon State University-Cascades Campus |
Otis College of Art and Design |
Otterbein University |
Ouachita Baptist University |
Pacific Northwest College of Art |
Pacific Union College |
Paier College |
Palm Beach Atlantic University |
Park University |
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts |
Pennsylvania College of Art and Design |
Pennsylvania College of Technology |
Peru State College |
Pfeiffer University |
Piedmont University |
Pittsburg State University |
Platt College-Los Angeles |
Platt College-Ontario |
Point Loma Nazarene University |
Point Park University |
Portland State University |
Prairie View A & M University |
Pratt Institute-Main |
Provo College |
Purdue University Fort Wayne |
Purdue University-Main Campus |
Queens University of Charlotte |
Quincy University |
Quinnipiac University |
Radford University |
Rasmussen University-Florida |
Rasmussen University-Illinois |
Rasmussen University-Kansas |
Rasmussen University-Minnesota |
Rasmussen University-North Dakota |
Rasmussen University-Wisconsin |
Regent University |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Rhode Island School of Design |
Richmond, The American International University in London |
Rider University |
Ringling College of Art and Design |
Rivier University |
Robert Morris University |
Robert Morris University Illinois |
Rochester Institute of Technology |
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design |
Roger Williams University |
Roosevelt University |
Russell Sage College |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick |
Sacred Heart University |
SAE Expression College |
Saginaw Valley State University |
Saint Ambrose University |
Saint Cloud State University |
Saint Edward’s University |
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine |
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College |
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota |
Saint Norbert College |
Saint Vincent College |
Saint Xavier University |
Salem College |
Salem State University |
Sam Houston State University |
Samford University |
San Diego State University |
San Francisco Art Institute |
San Francisco State University |
San Jose State University |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Sanford-Brown College |
Santa Fe University of Art and Design |
Savannah College of Art and Design |
School of Visual Arts |
Schreiner University |
Seattle Pacific University |
Seattle University |
Seminole State College of Florida |
Sessions College for Professional Design |
Seton Hall University |
Seton Hill University |
Shawnee State University |
Siena Heights University |
Simpson College |
Smith College |
South Dakota State University |
South University-Savannah |
Southeastern University |
Southern Adventist University |
Southern Arkansas University Main Campus |
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale |
Southern Methodist University |
Southern New Hampshire University |
Southern Technical College |
Southern Utah University |
Southwest Baptist University |
Southwest University of Visual Arts-Albuquerque |
Southwest University of Visual Arts-Tucson |
Southwestern College |
Southwestern Oklahoma State University |
Spring Arbor University |
Spring Hill College |
Springfield College |
St Andrews University |
St Catherine University |
St John’s University-New York |
St Thomas Aquinas College |
State University of New York at New Paltz |
State University of New York at Oswego |
Stephen F Austin State University |
Stephens College |
Sterling College |
Stevens-Henager College |
Stevens-Henager College |
Stevenson University |
Stevens-The Institute of Business & Arts |
Stonehill College |
Suffolk University |
Sullivan University |
SUNY at Fredonia |
SUNY at Purchase College |
SUNY Buffalo State University |
SUNY College at Potsdam |
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill |
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred |
SUNY College of Technology at Canton |
SUNY Cortland |
SUNY Oneonta |
SUNY Polytechnic Institute |
Susquehanna University |
Swarthmore College |
Syracuse University |
Tabor College |
Taylor University |
Temple University |
Texas A & M University-Commerce |
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi |
Texas Christian University |
Texas State University |
Texas Tech University |
Texas Woman’s University |
The Art Institute of Atlanta |
The Art Institute of Austin |
The Art Institute of Houston |
The Art Institute of San Antonio |
The Art Institute of Virginia Beach |
The College of New Jersey |
The College of Saint Rose |
The College of Westchester |
The Creative Center |
The King’s University |
The Modern College of Design |
The New School |
The North Coast College |
The Pennsylvania State University |
The University of Alabama |
The University of Findlay |
The University of Tampa |
The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga |
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville |
The University of Texas at Arlington |
The University of Texas at Austin |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley |
The University of the Arts |
Thomas Jefferson University |
Trinity Christian College |
Trinity International University-Illinois |
Trinity Lutheran College |
Troy University |
Tulane University of Louisiana |
Union College |
Universidad Ana G Mendez-Gurabo Campus |
Universidad de Monterrey |
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico |
University of Advancing Technology |
University of Akron Main Campus |
University of Arizona |
University of Arkansas |
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith |
University of Bridgeport |
University of California-Davis |
University of California-Irvine |
University of California-Los Angeles |
University of California-San Diego |
University of California-Santa Cruz |
University of Central Arkansas |
University of Central Missouri |
University of Central Oklahoma |
University of Charleston |
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus |
University of Dayton |
University of Delaware |
University of Denver |
University of Evansville |
University of Florida |
University of Hartford |
University of Houston |
University of Houston-Victoria |
University of Idaho |
University of Illinois Chicago |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
University of Indianapolis |
University of Jamestown |
University of Kansas |
University of Kentucky |
University of La Verne |
University of Lincoln |
University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore |
University of Maryland-Baltimore County |
University of Maryland-College Park |
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth |
University of Massachusetts-Lowell |
University of Memphis |
University of Miami |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
University of Michigan-Flint |
University of Minnesota-Duluth |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of Missouri-Kansas City |
University of Mobile |
University of Mount Olive |
University of Mount Union |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
University of Nevada-Las Vegas |
University of New England |
University of New Haven |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte |
University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
University of North Dakota |
University of North Georgia |
University of North Texas |
University of Northern Iowa |
University of Northwestern-St Paul |
University of Notre Dame |
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus |
University of Oregon |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of Puerto Rico-Carolina |
University of Redlands |
University of Rio Grande |
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne |
University of Salford (The) |
University of San Francisco |
University of Silicon Valley |
University of South Florida |
University of Southampton |
University of Southern California |
University of the Arts London |
University of the District of Columbia |
University of the Incarnate Word |
University of the Pacific |
University of Utah |
University of Washington-Seattle Campus |
University of Westminster |
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
University of Wisconsin-Parkside |
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point |
University of Wisconsin-Stout |
University of Worcester |
Upper Iowa University |
Ursuline College |
Utah State University |
Utah Valley University |
Valdosta State University |
Vermont Technical College |
Villa Maria College |
Virginia College |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Viterbo University |
Wade College |
Wake Technical Community College |
Walla Walla University |
Walsh University |
Wartburg College |
Washington State University |
Washington University in St Louis |
Watkins College of Art Design & Film |
Wayland Baptist University |
Wayne State College |
Waynesburg University |
Webber International University |
Weber State University |
Webster University |
Wentworth Institute of Technology |
West Liberty University |
West Texas A & M University |
West Virginia University |
West Virginia Wesleyan College |
Western Carolina University |
Western Michigan University |
Western Oregon University |
Western Washington University |
Westminster College |
Westminster College |
Westminster College |
Westwood College – Denver North |
Westwood College – DuPage |
Westwood College – Los Angeles |
Westwood College – O’Hare Airport |
Westwood College – South Bay |
Whitworth University |
Wichita State University |
William Jewell College |
William Peace University |
William Woods University |
Wilmington University |
Wilson College |
Winthrop University |
Wisconsin Lutheran College |
Woodbury University |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Xavier University |
York College of Pennsylvania |
Young Harris College |
Doctoral Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Auburn University |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Cornell University |
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus |
Glasgow School of Art |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Simon Fraser University |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
University of Baltimore |
University of Florida |
University of Kansas |
University of Lincoln |
University of Melbourne |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of the Arts London |
First Professional Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Centro De Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco |
Graduate/Professional Certificate (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
American University |
Arizona State University Digital Immersion |
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
California State University-Dominguez Hills |
California State University-Fullerton |
California State University-Monterey Bay |
Endicott College |
Ferris State University |
Florida International University |
George Washington University |
Iowa State University |
Jacksonville University |
Kennesaw State University |
Lesley University |
LIM College |
Lynn University |
Mars Hill University |
Maryland Institute College of Art |
Marywood University |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design |
Mercyhurst University |
Michigan State University |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design |
Mississippi College |
Mount Mary University |
Northeastern University |
Oakland University |
Radford University |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
St Mary’s University |
Stevenson University |
The University of Texas at Austin |
University at Buffalo |
University of Baltimore |
University of Kansas |
University of Maryland, Baltimore |
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of the Arts London |
University of Utah |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Western Oregon University |
Master’s Degree (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Abertay University |
Academy of Art University |
AI Miami International University of Art and Design |
Alfred University |
American University |
Arizona State University Campus Immersion |
Arizona State University Digital Immersion |
Art Center College of Design |
Atlantic University College |
Auburn University |
Ball State University |
Bob Jones University |
Boise State University |
Boston University |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
Brenau University |
Brigham Young University |
California Baptist University |
California College of the Arts |
California Institute of the Arts |
California State University-Long Beach |
California State University-Northridge |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Central Connecticut State University |
Clemson University |
College for Creative Studies |
Columbia College Chicago |
Columbus College of Art and Design |
Cornell University |
Cranbrook Academy of Art |
DePaul University |
Design Institute of San Diego |
Digital Media Arts College |
Drexel University |
Eastern Michigan University |
Edinburgh Napier University |
Emily Carr University of Art and Design |
Endicott College |
Fashion Institute of Technology |
Ferris State University |
Florida International University |
Florida State University |
Full Sail University |
Furman University |
George Mason University |
George Washington University |
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus |
Glasgow School of Art |
Goldsmiths College – University of London |
Harrington College of Design |
Harvard University |
Hodges University |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Interior Designers Institute |
Iowa State University |
Jacksonville State University |
Jacksonville University |
John Brown University |
Kansas State University |
Kent State University at Kent |
Kingston University |
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania |
Laguna College of Art and Design |
Lawrence Technological University |
Liberty University |
LIM College |
Lindenwood University |
Lindsey Wilson College |
London Metropolitan University |
Long Island University |
Loughborough University |
Lund University |
Lynn University |
Manchester Metropolitan University (The) |
Maryland Institute College of Art |
Marymount University |
Marywood University |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design |
Miami International University of Art & Design-Art Institute Dallas |
Miami University-Oxford |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design |
Mississippi College |
Moore College of Art and Design |
National University |
New England College |
New York Film Academy |
New York Institute of Technology |
New York School of Interior Design |
New York University |
North Carolina State University at Raleigh |
Northeastern University |
Northwestern University |
Norwich University |
Ohio State University-Main Campus |
Ohio University-Main Campus |
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus |
Oregon College of Art & Craft |
Otis College of Art and Design |
Pacific Northwest College of Art |
Pratt Institute-Main |
Purdue University-Main Campus |
Queens University of Charlotte |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Rhode Island School of Design |
Rochester Institute of Technology |
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design |
Royal College of Art |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick |
San Francisco Art Institute |
San Francisco State University |
Savannah College of Art and Design |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
School of Visual Arts |
Sierra Nevada University |
Southeastern University |
St Mary’s University |
Stanford University |
Suffolk University |
Syracuse University |
Temple University |
Texas State University |
The New School |
The Pennsylvania State University |
The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga |
The University of Texas at Austin |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
The University of the Arts |
Thomas Jefferson University |
University at Buffalo |
University of Baltimore |
University of Bridgeport |
University of Brighton |
University of California-Berkeley |
University of California-Los Angeles |
University of Central Lancashire |
University of Central Oklahoma |
University of Chicago |
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus |
University of Delaware |
University of Denver |
University of Dundee |
University of Edinburgh |
University of Florida |
University of Houston |
University of Illinois Chicago |
University of Kansas |
University of Kentucky |
University of Maryland, Baltimore |
University of Maryland-Baltimore County |
University of Massachusetts-Amherst |
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth |
University of Miami |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of New South Wales (The) |
University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
University of North Texas |
University of Notre Dame |
University of Oregon |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of Salford (The) |
University of South Wales |
University of Southern California |
University of the Arts London |
University of the Incarnate Word |
University of Washington-Seattle Campus |
University of Westminster |
University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Utah State University |
Vermont College of Fine Arts |
Victoria University of Wellington |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Washington State University |
Washington University in St Louis |
West Virginia University |
Western Oregon University |
Wichita State University |
Winthrop University |
Yale University |
Post-baccalaureate Certificate (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania |
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus |
California State University-Fullerton |
Columbia College Chicago |
George Mason University |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design |
Mount Mary University |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
St Catherine University |
University of the Arts London |
Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma (Design and Applied Arts) Programs & Colleges – |
A – Technical College |
Academia Serrant Inc |
Academy of Art University |
Academy of Interactive Entertainment |
Adrian College |
AI Miami International University of Art and Design |
Alamance Community College |
Albany Technical College |
Alexandria Technical & Community College |
Amarillo College |
American Institute of Interior Design |
American River College |
Angelina College |
Anne Arundel Community College |
Anoka Technical College |
Antelope Valley Community College District |
Arapahoe Community College |
Argosy University |
Arkansas State University-Mountain Home |
Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale (The) |
Art Institute of Las Vegas (The) |
Art Institute of Pittsburgh (The) |
Art Institute of Portland (The) |
Art Institute of Seattle (The) |
Art Institutes International Minnesota (The) |
Athens Technical College |
Atlanta Technical College |
Atlantic Cape Community College |
Atlantic Technical College |
Augsburg University |
Augusta Technical College |
Austin Community College District |
Autry Technology Center |
Baker College |
Bakersfield College |
Baltimore City Community College |
Bates Technical College |
Baton Rouge Community College |
Berkeley City College |
Berks Career & Technology Center |
Bethel College-North Newton |
Beverly Hills Design Institute |
Big Sandy Community and Technical College |
Bismarck State College |
Black Hawk College |
Black Hills State University |
Blinn College District |
Blue Ridge Community College |
Blue Ridge Community College |
Bossier Parish Community College |
Bowie State University |
Bradford School |
Bramson ORT College Main Campus-01 |
Branford Hall Career Institute-Parsippany |
Bridgerland Technical College |
Bristol Community College |
Brookdale Community College |
Bucks County Community College |
Bunker Hill Community College |
Butte College |
Cabell County Career Technology Center |
Canada College |
Canadian Valley Technology Center |
Cape Cod Community College |
Cape Fear Community College |
Capital Community College |
Carroll Community College |
Carteret Community College |
Carthage College |
Catawba Valley Community College |
Cecil College |
Central Community College |
Central Georgia Technical College |
Central Lakes College-Brainerd |
Central Piedmont Community College |
Central Technology Center |
Century College |
Chabot College |
Chaffey College |
Chandler-Gilbert Community College |
Charlotte Technical College |
Chattahoochee Technical College |
Chattahoochee Valley Community College |
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania |
Chisholm Trail Technology Center |
City College of San Francisco |
Clark College |
Clary Sage College |
Cleveland State University |
Clinton Essex Warren Washington BOCES |
Cloud County Community College |
Clover Park Technical College |
Clovis Community College |
Coastal Alabama Community College |
Colegio de CinematografÃa Artes y Television |
College of Alameda |
College of DuPage |
College of Lake County |
College of Marin |
College of San Mateo |
College of Southern Maryland |
College of Southern Nevada |
College of the Canyons |
College of the Sequoias |
Collin County Community College District |
Colorado Mountain College |
Columbia Central University-Caguas |
Columbia Central University-Yauco |
Columbus State Community College |
Columbus State University |
Community Care College |
Community College of Allegheny County |
Community College of Baltimore County |
Community College of Beaver County |
Community College of Denver |
Community College of Vermont |
Cowley County Community College |
Cuesta College |
CUNY LaGuardia Community College |
Cuyahoga Community College District |
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center |
Cuyamaca College |
Cypress College |
Dakota County Technical College |
Dallas College |
Danville Community College |
Daytona State College |
De Anza College |
Delgado Community College |
Delta College of Arts & Technology |
Des Moines Area Community College |
Diablo Valley College |
Dickinson State University |
Dine College |
Douglas Education Center |
Eagle Rock College |
East Central College |
East Los Angeles College |
East San Gabriel Valley Regional Occupational Program |
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania |
Eastern Arizona College |
Eastern New Mexico University-Main Campus |
Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Campus |
Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center |
Eastern Washington University |
Edison State Community College |
El Camino Community College District |
El Paso Community College |
Elgin Community College |
Ensign College |
Erwin Technical College |
Estrella Mountain Community College |
Fashion Institute of Technology |
Fayetteville Technical Community College |
Ferris State University |
Flathead Valley Community College |
Florida State College at Jacksonville |
Foothill College |
Forbes Road Career and Technology Center |
Forsyth Technical Community College |
Fort Peck Community College |
Francis Tuttle Technology Center |
Fred K Marchman Technical College |
Frederick Community College |
Fresno City College |
Front Range Community College |
Full Sail University |
Fullerton College |
GateWay Community College |
Gemini School of Visual Arts & Communication |
Genesee Community College |
George C Wallace State Community College-Hanceville |
Georgia Piedmont Technical College |
Germanna Community College |
Glendale Community College |
Glendale Community College |
Gnomon |
Golden West College |
Gordon Cooper Technology Center |
Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center |
Greenfield Community College |
Greenville Technical College |
Guilford Technical Community College |
Gwinnett Technical College |
Hagerstown Community College |
Halifax Community College |
Harford Community College |
Harrisburg Area Community College |
Hazard Community and Technical College |
Heartland Community College |
Helena College University of Montana |
Hennepin Technical College |
Henry Ford College |
Hickey College |
High Plains Technology Center |
Highland Community College |
Highline College |
Hinds Community College |
Holmes Community College |
Holyoke Community College |
Housatonic Community College |
Houston Community College |
Howard Community College |
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning |
Husson University |
ICDC College |
Illinois Central College |
Illinois Institute of Art (The) |
Illinois Valley Community College |
Indian Capital Technology Center-Muskogee |
Indian River State College |
Indiana County Technology Center |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus |
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis |
Industrial Technical College |
Institucion Chaviano de Mayaguez |
Instituto de Banca y Comercio Inc |
Interior Designers Institute |
International Business College-Indianapolis |
Iowa Lakes Community College |
Irvine Valley College |
Isothermal Community College |
Ivy Tech Community College |
J Sargeant Reynolds Community College |
Jackson College |
James Sprunt Community College |
Jamestown Community College |
Jefferson Community and Technical College |
Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art |
John A Logan College |
John C Calhoun State Community College |
Johnson County Community College |
Joliet Junior College |
Kalamazoo Valley Community College |
Kellogg Community College |
Kiamichi Technology Center-McAlester |
Kilgore College |
King’s College |
Kirtland Community College |
La Roche University |
Laguna College of Art and Design |
Lake Michigan College |
Lake Washington Institute of Technology |
Lakeland Community College |
Lamar Institute of Technology |
Lancaster County Career and Technology Center |
Lane Community College |
Laney College |
Lanier Technical College |
Lansing Community College |
Las Positas College |
Lassen Community College |
Lawson State Community College |
Lebanon County Area Vocational Technical School |
Lenoir Community College |
Lewis and Clark Community College |
Lewis-Clark State College |
Liceo de Arte y Tecnologia |
Liceo de Arte-Dise-O y Comercio |
LIM College |
Lincoln Land Community College |
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College |
Linn-Benton Community College |
Lively Technical College |
Living Arts College |
Lone Star College System |
Long Beach City College |
Lorain County Community College |
Los Angeles City College |
Los Angeles Mission College |
Los Angeles Pacific College |
Los Angeles Pierce College |
Los Angeles Trade Technical College |
Los Angeles Valley College |
Los Medanos College |
Luzerne County Community College |
Macomb Community College |
Madonna University |
Massachusetts Bay Community College |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design |
McDowell Technical Community College |
McHenry County College |
Mercer County Community College |
Meridian Technology Center |
Mesa Community College |
Metro Technology Centers |
Metropolitan Community College Area |
Miami Ad School |
Miami Ad School-Atlanta |
Miami Dade College |
Mid-America Technology Center |
Middlesex Community College |
Mid-Plains Community College |
Millikin University |
Milwaukee Area Technical College |
Minneapolis Business College |
Minneapolis Community and Technical College |
Minnesota State Community and Technical College |
Minnesota State University Moorhead |
Minnesota State University-Mankato |
MiraCosta College |
Mission College |
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College |
Monroe Community College |
Monroe County Community College |
Monterey Peninsula College |
Montgomery College |
Moore Norman Technology Center |
Moorpark College |
Moraine Park Technical College |
Moraine Valley Community College |
Mott Community College |
Mount Wachusett Community College |
Mt Hood Community College |
Mt San Antonio College |
Nash Community College |
Nashville State Community College |
Nassau Community College |
National Park College |
Navarro College |
New Mexico State University-Alamogordo |
New Mexico State University-Dona Ana |
New Mexico State University-Grants |
New River Community College |
New York Film Academy |
New York School of Interior Design |
NHTI-Concord’s Community College |
Niagara College |
Niagara County Community College |
Nicolet Area Technical College |
Norco College |
North Central Michigan College |
North Georgia Technical College |
North Hennepin Community College |
North Idaho College |
North Shore Community College |
Northampton County Area Community College |
Northcentral Technical College |
Northeast Texas Community College |
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College |
Northern Arizona University |
Northern Essex Community College |
Northern Virginia Community College |
NorthWest Arkansas Community College |
Northwest College |
Northwest Iowa Community College |
Northwest Mississippi Community College |
Northwest Technology Center-Alva |
Northwestern Connecticut Community College |
Norwalk Community College |
Nova College de Puerto Rico |
NUC University |
Oakton Community College |
Ocean County College |
Ocean County Vocational-Technical School |
Odessa College |
Ohio University-Main Campus |
Ohlone College |
Oklahoma City Community College |
Oklahoma School of Photography |
Olympic College |
Orange Coast College |
Orange Technical College |
Orange Technical College-East Campus |
Orange Technical College-Mid Florida Campus |
Owens Community College |
Paier College |
Palomar College |
Paradise Valley Community College |
Parkland College |
Pasadena City College |
Passaic County Community College |
Patrick & Henry Community College |
Pellissippi State Community College |
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts |
Pennsylvania College of Art and Design |
Phoenix College |
Pickens Technical College |
Piedmont Technical College |
Piedmont Virginia Community College |
Pima Community College |
Pinellas Technical College-Clearwater |
Pinellas Technical College-St Petersburg |
Pitt Community College |
Pittsburg State University |
Platt College-Ontario |
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez |
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-Ponce |
Pontotoc Technology Center |
Porterville College |
Portland Community College |
Prairie State College |
Prince George’s Community College |
Putnam Career and Technical Center |
Quincy College |
Randolph Community College |
Raritan Valley Community College |
Rasmussen University-Florida |
Rasmussen University-Illinois |
Rasmussen University-Kansas |
Rasmussen University-Minnesota |
Rasmussen University-North Dakota |
Rasmussen University-Wisconsin |
Rend Lake College |
Ridge Technical College |
Ridgewater College |
Rio Hondo College |
Rio Salado College |
Riverland Community College |
Riveroak Technical College |
Riverside City College |
Robert Morgan Educational Center and Technical College |
Rochester Community and Technical College |
Rogue Community College |
Rolla Technical Institute/Center |
Rowan College at Burlington County |
Rowan University |
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College |
Sacramento City College |
Saddleback College |
Saint Louis Community College |
Saint Paul College |
Salina Area Technical College |
Salt Lake Community College |
San Antonio College |
San Bernardino Valley College |
San Diego City College |
San Diego Mesa College |
San Diego Miramar College |
San Jacinto Community College |
San Joaquin Delta College |
San Juan College |
Sandhills Community College |
Santa Ana College |
Santa Barbara City College |
Santa Fe Community College |
Santa Monica College |
Santa Rosa Junior College |
Santiago Canyon College |
Sauk Valley Community College |
Savannah College of Art and Design |
Scottsdale Community College |
Seminole State College of Florida |
Sessions College for Professional Design |
Seton Hill University |
Shasta College |
Sheridan Technical College |
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania |
Shoreline Community College |
Sierra College |
Sinclair Community College |
Skagit Valley College |
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania |
Somerset Community College |
South Central Career Center |
South Central College |
South Dakota State University |
South Piedmont Community College |
South Plains College |
South Suburban College |
Southeast Arkansas College |
Southern Crescent Technical College |
Southern Methodist University |
Southern Oklahoma Technology Center |
Southwest Technology Center |
Southwestern College |
SOWELA Technical Community College |
Spartanburg Community College |
Specs Howard School of Media Arts |
Spokane Falls Community College |
Springfield Technical Community College |
St Charles Community College |
St Philip’s College |
Stanly Community College |
Stark State College |
State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota |
Suffolk University |
SUNY Adirondack |
SUNY Buffalo State University |
SUNY Westchester Community College |
Surry Community College |
Sussex County Community College |
Tarrant County College District |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Crump |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Dickson |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Hohenwald |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Memphis |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Morristown |
Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Murfreesboro |
Texas State Technical College |
The Art Institute of Atlanta |
The Art Institute of Austin |
The Art Institute of Houston |
The Art Institute of San Antonio |
The Art Institute of Virginia Beach |
The Creative Circus |
The University of Montana |
The University of Tennessee-Martin |
The University of Texas at Austin |
Three Rivers Community College |
Tidewater Community College |
Tompkins Cortland Community College |
Tri-County Technical College |
Trident Technical College |
Trinidad State College |
Trinity Valley Community College |
Triton College |
Truckee Meadows Community College |
Tulsa Technology Center |
Tunxis Community College |
Tyler Junior College |
Universidad de Monterrey |
University of Alaska Fairbanks |
University of Arizona |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock |
University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash College |
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus |
University of Evansville |
University of Florida |
University of Kentucky |
University of Massachusetts-Lowell |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
University of North Georgia |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of the Arts London |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
University of Wisconsin-Parkside |
Utah State University |
Utah Valley University |
Valley City State University |
Ventura Adult and Continuing Education |
Ventura College |
Virginia Peninsula Community College |
Virginia Western Community College |
Wake Technical Community College |
Walla Walla University |
Washburn Institute of Technology |
Washburn University |
Washtenaw Community College |
Watkins College of Art Design & Film |
Waubonsee Community College |
Wayne Community College |
Wayne County Community College District |
Waynesville Career Center |
Webster University |
West Georgia Technical College |
West Kentucky Community and Technical College |
West Valley College |
Western Iowa Tech Community College |
Western Kentucky University |
Western Nevada College |
Western Technical College |
Western Technology Center |
Western Washington University |
Westmoreland County Community College |
Wichita State University-Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology |
Wilkes Community College |
William Rainey Harper College |
William T McFatter Technical College |
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College |
Wood Tobe – Coburn School |
Wright State University-Lake Campus |
Wright State University-Main Campus |
Yavapai College |
York Technical College |
Yuba College |
Zane State College |
- Community Garden in Michigan - February 13, 2025
- Community Gardens in North Carolina - February 13, 2025
- Community Gardens in Georgia - February 13, 2025