List of Best Courses After 12th Arts

1 BA courses

Sr NoName of the BA course
1BA (General)
2BA (Hons) History & Archaeology
3BA (Hons) Archaeology
4BA (Hons) Hindi
5BA (Hons) Humanities
6BA (Hons) Finance
7BA (Hons) Foreign Languages (French, German, Spanish etc)
8BA (Hons) Regional Languages (Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil etc)
9BA (Hons) Humanities & Social Science
10BA (Hons) Journalism & Mass Communication
11BA (Hons) Visual Communication
12BA (Hons) Literature
13BA (Hons) Philosophy
14BA (Hons) Linguistics
15BA (Hons) Music
16BA (Hons) Theatre
17BA (Hons) Political Science
18BA (Hons) Yoga & Naturopathy
19BA (Hons) Tourism & Hospitality Management
20BA (Hons) Library Science
21BA (Hons) Photography
22BA (Hons) Applied Science
23BA (Hons) Advertising
24BA (Hons) Sociology
25BA (Hons) Fine Arts
26BA (Hons) Management Studies
27BA (Hons) Mathematics
28BA (Hons) Retail Management
29BA (Hons) Fashion Merchandising
30BA (Hons) Travel & Tourism
31BA (Hons) Social Work
32BA (Hons) Culinary Sciences
33BA (Hons) Anthropology
34BA (Hons) Media Science
35BA (Hons) Home Science
36BA (Hons) Hotel Management
37BA (Hons) Geography
38BA (Hons) Computer Applications
39BA (Hons) Banking & Insurance
40BA (Hons) Interior Design
41BA (Hons) Psychology
42BA (Hons) Economics
43BA (Hons) Animation & Multimedia


Duration: BA general as well as BA (Hons) programs last for a period of 3 years. BA is one of the most popular academic programs among arts stream students.


2 Fine Arts courses (BVA – Bachelor of Visual Arts)

Sr NoName of the fine arts (BVA) course
1BVA Applied Arts
2BVA Art History
3BVA Painting
4BVA Sculpting
5DVA (Diploma) Painting
6DVA (Diploma) Applied Arts
7DVA (Diploma) Sculpture


Fine arts, the discipline, primarily deals with visual form of arts such as – painting, sculpting, design etc. BVA stands for Bachelor of Visual Arts. It is the most popular Bachelor’s Degree fine arts program in India. DVA stands for Diploma in Visual Arts. It is a diploma format fine arts course.


Duration: BVA course’s duration is 4 years. DVA course’s duration is 3 years.


3 Performing Arts courses (BPA – Bachelor of Performing Arts)

Sr NoName of the performing arts (BPA) course
1BPA Acting & Theatre
2BPA Music
3BPA Vocal Instrument
4BPA Natyashastra
5BPA Kathakali
6BPA Bharathanatyam
7BPA Kathak
8BPA Odissi
9Diploma Acting & Theatre
10Diploma Music
11Diploma Vocal Instrument
12Diploma Natyashastra
13Diploma Kathakali
14Diploma Bharathanatyam
15Diploma Kathak
16Diploma Odissi
17Certificate in Music
18Diploma in Musical Instruments
19Certificate in Kathak
20Certificate in Odissi


Performing arts, the discipline, deals with art forms that involve visual performance such as – dance, acting, theatre and music. BPA stands for Bachelor of Performing Arts. It is the most popular Bachelor’s Degree performing arts course in India.


Duration: The duration of BPA course is 4 years. The duration of diploma performing arts course is 3 years. The duration of certificate performing arts course is 6 to 12 months.


4 Design courses

Sr NoName of the B.Des. Course
1B.Des. Film & Video Communication
2B.Des. Exhibition Design
3B.Des. Animation Film Design
4B.Des. Graphic Design
5B.Des. Ceramic & Glass Design
6B.Des. Furniture & Interior Design
7B.Des. Product Design
8B.Des. Textile Design
9B.Des. Fashion Design
10B.Des. Apparel Design
11B.Des. Accessory & Jewellery Design
12Bachelor of Fashion Design
13BID (Bachelor of Interior Design)


Duration: Design Degree programs listed above lasts for a period of 4 years.


5 Integrated Law courses

Sr NoName of the Integrated law course
3B.Sc. LL.B.
4B.Com. LL.B.


Duration: Integrated LL.B. programs last for a period of 5 years after completing 12th


6 Management courses

Sr NoName of the management course
1BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)
2BBA + MBA (Integrated)
3BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies)
4BBA (Specialization programs)
5BBS (Bachelor of Business Studies)
6BHM (Bachelor of Hotel Management)
7BHMCT (Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology)
8BHA (Bachelor of Hospital Administration)
9Diploma in Management
10BA (Hons in Management studies)
11B.Com. (Hons in Management studies)
12Bachelor of Event Management


Duration: Bachelor’s Degree management programs last for a period of 3 years. Integrated management programs are usually 5 years long.


7 Journalism & Mass Communication courses

Sr NoName of the journalism course
1BJMC (Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication)
2BMM (Bachelor of Mass Media)
3Bachelor of Communication & Journalism
4BA (Hons) Journalism & Mass Communication
5BA (Hons) Journalism
6BBA in Media Management


Duration: Bachelor’s Degree programs mentioned above last for a period of 3 years.


8 Teacher Training courses

Sr NoName of the teacher training course
1JBT (Junior Basic Training)
2NTT (Nursery Teacher Training)
3B.El.Ed. (Bachelor of Elementary Education)
4D.P.Ed. (Diploma in Physical Education)
5D.El.Ed. (Diploma in Elementary Education)


Duration: D.P.Ed. – 2 years, D.El.Ed. – 2 years, B.El.Ed. – 4 years, JBT – 2 years & NTT – 2 years.


9 Aviation courses

Sr NoName of the aviation course
1BBA in Airport Management
2BBA in Airline & Airport Management
3Diploma in Cabin Crew Training
4Certificate in Cabin Crew Training
5BBA in Aviation
6Diploma in Airfare Ticketing
7Diploma in Ground Staff Training
8Diploma in Aviation Hospitality & Management
9BBA in Airline Operations Management


Duration: Bachelor’s Degree aviation courses – 3 years. Diploma aviation courses – 1 to 2 years. Certificate courses – 6 to 12 months.


10 Home Science courses

Sr NoName of the home science course
1BA (Hons) Home Science
2B.Sc. Home Science
3Diploma in Home Science


Duration: BA & B.Sc. programs’ duration – 3 years. Diploma program may last for 1-2 years.


11 Paramedical courses

Sr NoName of the paramedical course
1Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
2Diploma in Physiotherapy
3Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology
4Diploma in Medical Imaging Technology
5Diploma in X-Ray Technology
6Diploma in Radiography
7Diploma in Emergency Care Technology
8Diploma in Dialysis Technology
9Diploma in Occupational Therapy
10Diploma in Anaesthesia Technology
11Diploma in Veterinary Assistant
12Diploma in Dental Hygienist
13Diploma in Radiography
14Diploma in ECG Technology
15Diploma in CT Scan Technology
16Diploma in Dental Assistant
17Diploma in Community Healthcare
18Diploma in Medical Record Technology
19Diploma in Blood Bank Technology
20Diploma in Ophthalmic Technology
21Diploma in Rural Healthcare
22Diploma in Sanitary Worker
23Diploma in Nursing Assistant
24Diploma in Radiological Techniques
25Diploma in Neuro Technology
26Diploma in Cardiovascular Technician
27Diploma in Dental Mechanics
28Diploma in Dental Hygiene
29Diploma in Optometry
30Diploma in Multi-purpose Health Worker
31Diploma in Cath Lab Technology
32Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science
33Diploma in Dental Lab Technician
34Diploma in Orthopaedic Technician
35Diploma in Food & Nutrition


Duration: The duration of a diploma paramedical program can be anywhere between 2-3 years. Some of these programs even last for a period of 1 year.


12 Diploma courses

Sr NoName of the diploma course
1DPLAD (Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development)
2Diploma in Event Management
3Diploma in Dairy Technology
4DECE (Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education)
5DWED (Diploma in Women’s Empowerment & Development)
6DCE (Diploma in Creative Writing in English)
7DPVE (Diploma in Value Education)
8DNHE (Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education)
9DVAPFV (Diploma in Value-added Products from Fruits & Vegetables)
10DAFE (Diploma in HIV & Family Education)
11DMT (Diploma in Meat Technology)
12DIPP (Diploma in Paralegal Practice)
13DTS (Diploma in Tourism Studies)
14Diploma in BPO Finance & Accounting
15Diploma in Modern Office Practice
16DWM (Diploma in Watershed Management)


Duration: The duration of diploma format course could be anywhere between 1 to 2 years.


13 Certificate courses

Sr NoName of the certificate course
1CBS (Certificate in Business Skills)
2CCR (Certificate in Community Radio)
3CMAD (Certificate in Mobile Application Development)
4Certificate in Disaster Management
5Certificate in Functional English (Basic)
6CES (Certificate in Environmental Studies)
7CPVE (Certificate Program in Value Education)
8CFBO (Certificate in Food & Beverage Service Operation)
9Certificate in Food & Nutrition
10Certificate in Foreign Language (German, French, Spanish etc)
11CFO (Certificate in Front Office Operation)
12Certificate in Peace Studies & Conflict Management
13Certificate in Gender & Science
14Certificate in Gender Law
15Certificate in Health Care Waste Management
16Certificate in Yoga
17Certificate in Home Health Assistant
18Certificate in General Duty Assistant
19Certificate in HIV & Family Education
20Certificate in Housekeeping Operation
21Certificate in Solid Waste Treatment Techniques
22Certificate in Information Technology
23Certificate in International Humanitarian Law
24Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking
25Certificate in Human Rights
26Certificate in Library & Information Science
27Certificate in NGO Management
28Certificate in Apparel Merchandising
29Certificate in Nutrition & Childcare
30Certificate in Organic Farming
31Certificate in Tribal Studies
32Certificate in Tourism Studies
33Certificate in Urdu Language
34Certificate in Communication & IT Skills
35Certificate in Fashion Design
36Certificate in Solid Waste Management
37Certificate in Water Harvesting & Management


Duration: The duration of certificate format course could be anywhere between 6 to 12 months.


14 Other Degree courses

Sr NoName of the degree course
1B.Sc. (specific courses)
2BSW (Bachelor of Social Work)


Duration: 3 years.


15 Computer Applications courses

Sr NoName of the computer course
1BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications)
2B.Voc. Hardware & Networking
3B.Voc.Computer Applications
4Diploma in Hardware & Networking


Duration: BCA & B.Voc. – 3 years. Diploma course – 1 to 2 years.


16 Animation & Multimedia courses

Sr NoName of the animation & multimedia course
1B.Sc. Animation & Multimedia
2BA (Hons) Animation & Special Effects
3B.Sc. Animation & VFX
4B.Des. Graphics & Game Design
5Diploma in Animation & VFX


Duration: Bachelor’s Degree courses (BA & B.Sc.) – 3 years. B.Des. course – 4 years. Diploma course – 1 to 2 years.


You may also check out these relevant courses – courses after 12th science, courses after 12th commerce & courses for 12th failed candidates.


Arun Kallarackal
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