Journalism Courses After 10th & 12th: Scope, Jobs & Salary

Do you want to pursue Journalism course after completing 10th standard? If yes, this article will be of help to you. More importantly, this article will guide you! In this article, I’ve pointed out options available in front of journalism enthusiasts who have completed class 10 schooling. I’ve also provided list of journalism courses available in India and vital details about them (duration, eligibility criteria and admission process). In the end, I’ve also covered career prospects and salary details! In short, this article covers everything, A-Z, that you need to know about journalism education in India!


Before heading to the meat of the matter, let us know more about the field of journalism. Let us check out what this field is all about.


Journalism: An Introduction

Journalism is the work and distribution of reports on interaction of events, facts, ideas, and people that are “news of the day” and that informs society to at least some extent.


Journalism deals with gathering information, organizing it and spreading the collected information so that it reaches the masses. For spreading information, journalistic media are used. Radio, TV, print media, internet etc are examples of journalistic media.


Journalists gather, interpret, organize and spread news as well as other information. They disseminate news and information so that it reaches their audience.


Journalism is a vast and challenging field. It gives one opportunities to influence the lives of people! Journalists can bring about positive changes in the society.


Since journalism is a very vast field, it also consists of numerous job profiles and roles. Some of the prominent job profiles/careers available in this field are that of editor, photojournalist, reporter, news reader etc.


Technology has greatly influenced the field of journalism. Thanks to the popularity of internet, print media consumption has gone down. More and more folks are now gathering information and reading news through news websites and other web entities. Thanks to this trend, digital journalism or new media journalism has gained huge popularity and importance.


Let us check out the skills required to thrive in this profession –

  • Writing skills
  • Investigative skills
  • Observational skills
  • Multitasking and time management skills
  • Technological know-how (especially in case of digital and photo journalism)
  • Natural interest in news and current events
  • Will and stamina to work at odd hours
  • Will to travel a lot


Let us check out the course details now.


List of Journalism Courses

Most of the professional journalism courses can only be pursued after completing 12th standard. 10+2 passed (from any stream- Arts, Commerce or Science) is the minimum educational qualification required to pursue standard journalism courses.


Some institutes are known to offer Diploma courses to 10th passed students though. The quality and validity of such Diploma courses are questionable. Ultimately, such courses are not very useful, when it comes to finding a job using them! Also check – Merchant navy courses after 10th & Interior design courses.


In short, it is better to complete 11th and 12th standards and then pursue a good (and recognized) journalism course.


In India, there are 2 main formats in which journalism courses are available. They are –

  1. Bachelor’s Degree courses
  2. Diploma courses


Degree courses and Diploma courses are the good ones. But for pursuing them, you must complete 10+2 first.


As mentioned before, some institutes do allow 10th passed students to pursue Diploma and certificate courses. But the quality of such courses is not too good. And the credibility and validity of such courses and institutes offering them are questionable too!


It is very important to have a good foundation. That is why I recommend my readers to undergo 10+1 and 10+2 classes. After that, they may study good Degree or Diploma journalism courses.


Here are some of the well known courses –


1 Journalism Bachelor’s Degree courses

  • BA Journalism
  • BA in Journalism and Mass Communication
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Media Science
  • BA Mass Communication
  • Bachelor of Mass Media
  • BA Journalism and PR
  • B.Sc. Journalism
  • B.Sc. Journalism and Mass Communication
  • B.Sc. Mass Communication
  • B.Sc. Visual Communication
  • B.Sc. Mass Communication and Videography


BA (Bachelor of Arts), B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) and other Bachelor’s Degree courses related to journalism are 3 years long.


Eligibility criteria: In cases of most of the courses mentioned above, 10+2 passed (any stream) from a recognized board is the minimum educational qualification required.


Admission process: Reputed institutes follow merit based admission process. Merit marks scored by students in relevant entrance test (national, state-wise or institute-wise tests) and board examination are taken into consideration. Seats are allotted to deserving candidates on the basis of merit marks obtained by them.


PG courses: After completing Bachelor’s Degree course, graduates may go for relevant Master’s courses (like M.Sc., MA, PG Diploma or PG Certificate courses etc). Higher education will help you specialize in disciplines such as –

  • Photo journalism
  • Digital journalism
  • Advertising
  • Editing
  • Sports journalism
  • Investigative journalism

2 Journalism Diploma courses

  • Diploma in Journalism
  • Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication
  • Diploma in Journalism and Advertising
  • Diploma in Journalism and PR
  • Diploma in Broadcast Journalism
  • Diploma in Journalism and Videography


Diploma courses could last anywhere between 1-2 years.


Eligibility criteria: In cases of most of the courses mentioned above, 10+2 passed (any stream) from a recognized board is the minimum educational qualification required.


Admission process: Reputed institutes follow merit based admission process. Merit marks scored by students in relevant entrance test and board examination are taken into consideration. Seats are allotted to deserving candidates on the basis of merit marks obtained by them.


Further studies: After completing a recognized and accepted Diploma course, candidates may pursue relevant Bachelor’s Degree course next.


After completing Bachelor’s Degree course, graduates may go for relevant Master’s courses (like M.Sc., MA, PG Diploma or PG Certificate courses etc). Higher education will help you specialize in disciplines such as –

  • Photo journalism
  • Digital journalism
  • Advertising
  • Editing
  • Sports journalism
  • Investigative journalism

Journalism scope & jobs

Print media, electronic media and new media are the three main sectors where journalists may find work. Print media journalists usually work for newspapers, magazines and other forms of print media. Electronic media journalists work for TV channels or production houses and radio stations. New media journalists usually focus on websites, online news portals, e-magazines etc.


Common recruiters include –

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines and publishing houses
  • New Media Journalism entities (websites, news portals, e-magazines etc)
  • TV Channels
  • Radio Stations


Job profiles available in front of aspirants are many! Which job profile one will get depends upon one’s educational qualification and/or specialization. Some of the well known job profiles are –

  • Editor (Chief, Associate, Sub editor etc)
  • Writer
  • Columnist
  • Reporter
  • Investigative Journalist
  • Photojournalist
  • News Reader
  • Anchor
  • Production Manager (TV, Radio shows etc)
  • Transmission Professional (Viscom, Radio station etc)
  • Technician (Sound, Viscom, Transmission etc)
  • Photographer


Starting salary depends upon factors like job location, profile of the employer, qualifications of the employee etc. Depending upon the above mentioned factors, starting salary could be anywhere between 10-25k Rupees per month (Average figure).


Arun Kallarackal
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