List of Best SEO Courses in India

Do you want to become an SEO professional? Are you interested in building a career in this promising and rewarding sector? If yes, this article will be of help to you. Here, I’ve listed down some of the best SEO training programs available in India!


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Certificate Courses
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How’s this article of help to me, you may ask. Here, you will find everything you need to know about SEO training – what it is, what’s the scope associated with it, which are the popular SEO courses in India, where can I find institutes offering these programs etc.


This article has got something for everyone. 10th pass students, 12th pass students, Graduates, working professionals – each one of you will find this article to be very useful and informative!


Let us start off with a little introduction. In the next section, we will check out what SEO is. We will find out basic details about this domain. Here it is –


What is SEO? A little introduction

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In simple terms, it deals with ranking techniques and practices, which will help one rank an internet entity higher in search engine results page.


A search engine helps us find relevant information (related to our query) on the internet. Google, Bing, Yahoo – these are some of the popular search engines. Google is the most popular search engine on the planet!


We all rely on search engines to find useful information. Students use them to work on their home work and projects. We often use them to find nearest resources and places (ATMs, Schools, Hotels etc).


Search engines have become very smart these days. They have evolved from their traditional form. Modern search engines and very dynamic, smart and employs machine learning and AI!


How does a search engine work? Usually a user accesses the search engine and types in a query and hits the search button. The search engine, using its complex and smart algorithm, displays a relevant SERP (Search Engine Results Page).


Internet entities (websites, blogs, e-commerce portals etc) are displayed on SERP in a systematic order (ranking). The ranking is decided by the algorithm deployed by the search engine!


SEO deals with techniques, practices and methods that will help one rank higher in a SERP! Skilled SEO professionals are in huge demand!


Basically, a skilled SEO is knowledgeable (to an extent) about the ranking algorithm (or ranking factors). Using this knowledge, he/she modifies the internet entity (website, blog or other portals). His/her main aim is to design it in such a way that it stands a better chance of ranking on top of a SERP!


It may sound easy at first. But SEO is not a very easy task. It has got many aspects to it! For example, there are specific methods that they employ to rank a Local business. They use an altogether different technique to rank a website belonging to a competitive niche!


Similarly, NEWS SEO is altogether a different ball game! In short, SEO is a vast and diverse field. Broadly speaking, it can be divided into two parts –

  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO


On-Page SEO deals with settings, design, content, UI and other aspects directly related to the internet entity. An SEO professional has direct control over these aspects. He/she may tinker with it easily.


How well a website is optimized, how rich is its content, how good is its UI, how well it is designed – these things fall under On-Page SEO.


Off-Page SEO deals with things taking place away from the internet entity. Building backlinks, creating social media signals, building a rich brand image – these things come under On-Page SEO.


A good SEO training programs deals with both On and Off Page SEO! Come, let us move to the next section –


Is it an ideal choice for me?

Is SEO training ideal for me or not, you may ask. Well, do you want to try a hand at this game? If yes, you may pursue any SEO course!


There’s no particular eligibility criteria associated with it! Anyone with basic knowledge about computers and internet can pursue SEO courses!


10th pass, 12th pass, college student, graduate – anyone can enroll for an SEO training program! If you are not interested in a full time program, you may try part time programs or workshops! Oh, let us check out more details about the different types of courses in the next section –


List of Best SEO courses in India

  • Certification in SEO
  • Professional Diploma in SEO
  • Basic SEO Training
  • Advanced SEO practices
  • SEO for beginners
  • Certificate in SEO and SEM
  • Certificate in SEO and SMM


Types of SEO courses

Here are some of the popular SEO course formats available in India –

  • Certificate courses
  • Diploma courses
  • Advanced Diploma courses
  • Professional certification
  • Workshops


It is not uncommon to see bundled SEO programs, which combine SEO with other allied domains. Common common combinations are – SEO + SMM (Social Media Management), SEO + Web Design & SEO + SEM (Search Engine Marketing).


Modes of learning

As I mentioned before, SEO courses are available in a wide variety of learning modes. Popular modes are –



The course duration depends upon factors such as –

  • Type of course (format)
  • Learning mode
  • Depth of course (beginner’s, intermediate or advanced)


Depending upon these factors, the course duration could be anywhere between 1-6 months. In-depth programs tend to be longer than beginners’ programs.



Fees too depends upon factors such as –

  • Type of course (format)
  • Learning mode
  • Depth of course (beginner’s, intermediate or advanced)


Depending upon these factors, training fees could be anywhere between 5-30K INR. It is an average figure though! Readers should check the website/brochure of the desired institute to find the exact amount.



It is very easy to find small and medium sized institutes offering these programs in major cities as well as towns. There also exists many websites, which offer SEO training programs in India.


Self-learning and free resources

If you don’t want to spend money on SEO training, you may use and rely on free resources available in the internet. See, there’s no perfect SEO course out there! You may master the fundamentals through information available online for free.


Free resources consist of SEO blogs, tutorials, websites, videos, E-Books and more! After mastering the basics, you may start your own studies, experiments and develop new and effective SEO strategies!


This field is known to evolve with each passing day. Ranking factors, techniques and practices keep on changing with each passing month! In order to stay ahead, one must be willing to learn new things, experiment and adapt!


SEO scope & jobs

SEO professionals have diverse job opportunities available in front of them. Some of the prime recruiters are –

  • Digital Marketing Agencies
  • SEO Firms
  • E-Commerce Firms
  • Digital Media Firms


They also have an option to become self-employed! They may choose to freelance or start own Digital Marketing/SEO venture!


Also check – Best courses after 10th in India, courses after 12th science & CEEB codes in Australia.


Arun Kallarackal
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