Kerala Polytechnic Admission 2024: Reservation, Seats, Rules & Regulations

Kerala Polytechnic admission is around the corner. Interested candidates may apply online through portal. Separate entrance exam won’t be conducted for Kerala Polytechnic admission 2024.


In this post, you will find everything you need to know about reservation in Kerala polytechnic admission process. Here, I’ve mentioned the percentage of seats reserved for SC, ST, OBC, PWD and other group of candidates. You may also check – 10th board preparation tips.


For details about the overall admission process, you may check out this guide – Kerala Polytechnic admission schedule. Also check – Polytechnic colleges in Kerala.


Like each year, Directorate of Technical Education is all set to carry out polytechnic admission across Kerala. The main aim of this admission process is to allot Diploma seats to deserving candidates who have passed 10th or 12th standard. For jobs, please check – diploma pass govt jobs in India.


The courses being offered through this admission process are –

  • Technical Diploma programs (Diploma in Engineering)
  • Non-Technical Diploma programs (Office Management, Secretarial Practice, Hotel Management etc)


If you belong to Kerala and want to secure admission into any of the above mentioned Diploma course, this is the admission process that you need to take part in!


Unlike other admission processes, a separate admission process won’t be conducted by Kerala DTE. They aim to select deserving candidates through the admission process.


Like each year, the authorities have set apart some seats for candidates belonging to certain groups and categories. The main aim of this post is to inform and educate you about the numbers and statistics!


Come, let us check out the details about reservation and total number of seats available. Here they are –


Kerala Polytechnic Admission 2024: Total number of seats & reservation

Let us talk about caste and community based reservation first. Looking from this reservation’s point of view, out of the total number of seats, 60% seats will be filled through merit only. The rest 40% seats are reserved for candidates belonging to socially and educationally backward classes, SC and ST categories.


The numbers are as follows –


CategoryCode% of seats reserved
Other Backward HindusBH3%
Latin Catholics and Anglo IndiansLA3%
Dheevara and Related CommunitiesDV2%
Viswakarma and Related CommunitiesVK2%
Kusavan and Related CommunitiesKN1%
Other Backward ChristiansOX1%
Scheduled CastesSC8%
Scheduled TribesST2%


In short, 60% of seats will be filled on merit basis. 40% seats are reserved for candidates belonging to SEBC, SC and ST categories.


Apart from the above mentioned reservation, there also exists programs or course-level reservation. Here they are –

  • Reservation for PWD (Persons with Disabilities) – 3% seats in each branch.
  • Reservation for THSLC holders – 10% seats in all Technica/Engineering courses.
  • Reservation for ITI/KGCE holders – 5% seats in all courses.
  • Reservation for VHSE candidates – 2% seats in each course.
  • Special Reservations (Nominees, Children of Ex-Servicemen, Children of Serving Defence Personnel, Dependant of Defence Personnel Killed/Missing or Disabled in Action, Children of CRPF Personnel, Anglo Indian Community, Certificate Holders in Textile Technology, Nominees of Motor Vehicle Department, Sports Quota, NCC Quota, Orphan Quota.


Documents required

In order to claim reservation, you must provide valid and relevant documents. Depending upon the type of reservation you are interested in, here are the prominent documents required –

  • Valid Community Certificate from Village Officer (for SEBC candidates)
  • Valid income certificate from Village Officer (showing income less than 8,00,000 INR per annum) [for SEBC candidates]
  • Non-Creamy Layer Certificate (if annual income is more than 8,00,000 INR)
  • Caste/Community Certificate from Tehsildar (for SC/ST candidates)
  • Certificate of Disability from Government Medical Offiver (for PWD candidates)
  • THSLC Certificate (THSLC candidates)
  • ITI/KGCE Certificate (ITI/KGCE candidates)
  • VHSE Certificate (VHSE candidates)
  • Certificate from Military Authorities showing discharge from Service (for Children of Ex-Servicemen)
  • Certificate from Military Authorities or Zillah Sainik Welfare showing he/she is the son/daughter/widow/dependant of Defence Personnel Killed/Missing or Disabled in Action (for Dependant of Defence Personnel Killed/Missing or Disabled in Action)
  • Certificate from Military Authorities showing he/she is the son/daughter of serving defence personnel (for children of serving defence personnel)
  • Certificate from the Commanding Officer of CRPF (for children of CRPF Personnel)
  • Sports Participation Certificate (for Sports Quota candidates)
  • NCC Certificate (for NCC Quota candidates)
  • Textile Technology Certificate recognized by the SBTE (for Textile Technology candidates)


Let us check out the reservation rules and regulations. Here they are –


Reservation rules and regulations

  • Seats unavailed by SC candidates will go to ST candidates and vice versa
  • Seats unavailed by SC and ST candidates will go to OEC (Other Eligible Community) candidates
  • If seats still remain unavailed (despite offering to OEC candidates), it will go to open merit seats
  • If seats are left unavailed by categories mentioned separately (ward of Ex-Servicemen, Anglo Indian etc), they will go to open merit category
Dharmesh Shrivastav
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