Punjab JET 2020: Application, Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Cut Off & Result

Most of the students with science stream often opt for engineering but in today’s competitive world it is quite hard to get admission in engineering courses. However, students who have a knack for engineering can even try their luck in engineering by choosing polytechnic after 10th or 12th.


If we look at the present scenario we will find that the demand for polytechnic courses is increasing on a faster pace. It has been found that the diploma holders are able to get a good scope to get recruited in good company and their pay scale is almost similar to that of an engineer degree holder. Also check – engineering entrance exams in India.

This study will focus on the Punjab JET which is conducted for the polytechnic aspirants. There will be attempt to give you a clear understanding about the application procedures, eligibility criteria, important dates and cut off marks. For jobs, please check – govt jobs after diploma.

Know about Punjab JET 2020

Punjab JET is mainly arranged by the Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training. The process of admission is totally based on marks that a student obtains in their 10th exam. This exam can allow a candidate to get admitted in the polytechnic courses.  It is mainly conducted on the state level. The students are able to get admission in the diploma courses in almost 130 colleges of polytechnic across Punjab.

In order to take admission in any of the 130 institute one need to get selected in Punjab JET. If engineering holds interest to you then you should definitely get complete details regarding Punjab JET. The below sections of this article will throw adequate light on this exam and provide you with all the relevant details regarding Punjab JET.

What is the application procedure?

The aspirants of polytechnic have to first download the application forms. Applications forms can be availed from both online as well as offline mode. Before obtaining the forms the candidates are required to undergo registration process. Once you complete with the registration process you will receive a user name along with password. When the candidates try to obtain their forms they are required to log in to this password and id.

  • The forms will be circulated on the official website from May’s last week and so whoever wants to opt for online form fill up process can get it.
  • After you receive the forms you need to ensure that none of the fields are left vacant or filled incorrectly. This is because no further correction will be entertained by the university.
  • After filling up personal and academic details the applicant have to upload their scanned photographs along with some relevant documents.
  • You will find submit option, click on it.
  • Candidates are requested to print the application forms for future requirements.
  • Your application forms will not be accepted unless you pay the fees.
  • Candidates are required to keep a track on the university website because once you miss the date of form issue your chances of getting admission in the top polytechnic institutes will be compromised.

How much is the fee?

The candidates are required to know about the fee structure so that they do not come across any problem. One can get confirmation of their application forms only after submission of fees so, have look at the following procedures for fee submission.

  • Candidates should submit their application fees only through online mode.
  • Total fees which is specified by the university is rupees 550.

Documents to be uploaded with form:

While filling up the forms the aspirants have to upload certain documents alongside their scanned images. Have a look at these documents.

  • 10th mark sheet
  • Mobile number
  • Birth certificate
  • Academic as well as personal detail

These documents are required to upload while you fill up the forms. If any of these documents are not uploaded on time then the institution is liable to cancel your application. So, it is recommended to go through the documentation details before beginning with the form fill up procedures.

Punjab JET eligibility

The eligibility criteria helps in bringing neutrality and ease into the selection process. Before you apply for Punjab JET you are required to check for the eligibility criteria so as to confirm whether they could get admission in the institutes or not. Eligibility criteria can allow candidates to get a clear picture about the parameter on which the institute may judge the candidates. Eligibility criteria are formulated only for selecting quality based candidates. It can remove all sorts of biases and hence students can get a fair chance.

All the applicants can get a confirmation regarding their eligibility by paying attention to the below mentioned points:

  • An examinee should be an Indian otherwise he/she cannot be held eligible for getting admission in Punjab JET.
  • The university has not set any age bar as such for appearing in the polytechnic colleges.
  • A domicile of Punjab is mandatory for it because 85% of the seats are reserved for the candidates belonging to the state of Punjab.
  • As admissions in the polytechnic institutes of the university so, the candidates should be a pass out of 10th from a well known board like ICSE or CBSE to any other board.
  • The subjects who are needed for applying for polytechnic include Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, English and Physics.
  • An applicant must score at least 35% marks in their 10th board.
  • If you have appeared for your 10th board then you are also eligible to apply for it.

Exam pattern

Pattern of the exam is to be specified by the university and based on which exam paper is framed. The aspirants need to check the pattern either by the previous year’s question appears or simply going through the given below pattern specifications.

  • The exam is basically organised via offline mode
  • There will be one paper kept for this examination.
  • Questions will be based on multiple choices and in total candidates have to attempt 200 questions.
  • Students can get complete assurance of no negative markings.
  • For getting details regarding the marks allotted for each of the subjects you can see through the given below section.
List of subjectsTotal questionsMarks
General awareness4040

Punjab JET syllabus

Syllabus can be called an important prerequisite that helps a student to know about the topics that they are required to cover in their exams. Punjab Polytechnic JET is an important exam for those who are engineering aspirants. A clear knowledge about the syllabus of this exam could assist the candidates to appear with flying colours.

The examinees often get worried about the questions that will be asked during the exam. This is what lowers down their confidence so, if you wish to get admission in any of these 130 prestigious institutes then you have to know about the syllabus.

Basically, the syllabus will be based on 9th and 10th standard only. Students are required to prepare topics on the subjects like Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. You have to revise the topics so as to increase your chances of getting admitted in the polytechnic institutes.

What are the counselling procedures?

The body which organises joint entrance test selects or rather to say allow students to come down for the admission process only after meeting certain requirements. Separate counselling fees will be charged on the students. The dates of counselling will be specified by the institute on their website. Before you participate in the counselling you need to register in accordance to the schedule given by the institution.

A list of steps has been given so as to increase the knowledge of the candidates regarding the counselling processes.

  • The first and foremost prerequisite for participating in the counselling is registration. In case a candidate has not registered he/she cannot go for counselling.
  • In the counselling process an applicant has to provide their choices regarding the institutes where they want to get a seat.
  • Once a candidate is done with the first round of counselling they can be entitled as eligible to represent their document into their respective institutes for admission.
  • Your admission will only be confirmed as soon as you provide the admission fee.
  • If any of the candidates intends to change their seat at the time of first round then they are also eligible to go for second round. In such cases their first seat will get cancelled immediately.


In this entrance test candidates have to go through the reservation requirements because the authorities have allotted seat for different categories.  These seat allotment is specified by the organising committee and so the students have to go through the below mentioned category division before applying for the examination.

CategoriesAllotment of seats
Backward classes4%
ST or SC25%
Grand children or children of freedom fighters1%


Getting admission in Punjab JET

For getting admission in the top institutes that come under the PSTB & I the aspirants have to score qualifying marks in subjects like Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry and English. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to take admission in any of the 130 institutes.

It has been found that the institution puts emphasis on the marks obtained by the students in their 10th exam. At the time of admission candidates have to bring relevant documents with them so as to complete the admission process fruitfully. In order to bring neutrality into the process of admission the university has set reservation policy adopted by the UT Chandigarh and the merit of the students.

So, it is recommended to see through the prerequisite that are to be followed while taking admission.

Punjab JET 2020 important dates

If you really want to make your dream of becoming an engineer come true then it is important to appear for the admission or counselling or form fill on time. There has been an attempt made to enable the examinees to know about some important events.

Some key eventsKnow the dates
Filling up of formsMay(last week)
Firm submission(last day)Week, 3, June
Allotment of seatsJune(last week)
Choice fillingWeek, 3, June


Choice filling process

The choice fill up is to be conducted prior to the admission. Now what is this choice fill up? It simply means that the candidates have to make their choice regarding the colleges that they want to opt for continuing with their polytechnic course.

The choice of colleges is filled up as per the candidates preference but there may be changes in case your selected institute is already filed. In such cases you will definitely get a chance to change your choice.

The seat allotment order will only be considered in accordance to the eligibility and the merit of a candidate. However, it is to be remembered that candidates can only begun with choice fill after registration.

Punjab JET answer key

Answer keys are the considered to be one of the best ways to check whether a candidate is able to successfully appear in the exam or not. Answer key contains list of answers that is published by the authorities. These official answers enable the student to match their answers with that of the official ones.

It is released just after the exam day. You can download the answer keys from the official website of conducting institute. It is usually released for ensuring that neutrality is maintained. The aspirants have to keep a track on the website of the institute as they will release the answer keys within one or two weeks.

In case you find that the answer which is published by the institute is incorrect then you can challenge it by giving adequate proof for the answers that they claim to be correct.

Get your admit cards on time

The admit cards will be circulated on the official website and students will be able to obtain their admit cards after their application is confirmed. In case you are facing difficulty in downloading your admit cards then you need to check the status of your application immediately because only if your application does not get submitted or confirmed you cannot get download option of admit cards.

It is advised to the candidates that they should first check the status of your applications from the website so, that they could get confirmation regarding the admit cards. Students can download their admit cards from the website a week before the examination. It is to be noted that admit cards are not issued to the candidates via post.

Get some tips for your preparation

Students who sit for competitive exams often have finds it difficult to find put the ideal way to prepare for an exam. Are you going to sit for Punjab Polytechnic JET 2020? If yes, then you might be afraid and quite nervous. The first foremost problems that a student faces are in terms of time management and lack of study plan. If you are facing such problems then you can take a look at the following tips:

    • A student needs to prepare notes and it can be done by writing down the important points while reading a topic.
    • One can look for some reference books to get the syllabus as well as get a chance to solve the questions.
    • Mocks test can be given by the candidates for making them acquainted with the question patterns.
    • By giving mock test students are able to get a chance to have a real examination setting which will help them to gain confidence when they actually appear for the exam.

Merit list for Punjab JET

Those who will successfully appear in the Punjab Polytechnic joint entrance can take part in the counselling process. After the completion of the exam the institute filters out the eligible candidates and releases the merit list. The merit list which is prepared is mainly based upon the scores obtained by the candidates in their 10th board. However, some part of the marks is considered of the entrance exam too.

The result date will be announced by the organising body and the candidates need to keep a check on the websites for getting details regarding the result. You can check the results only through online mode and the result will not be issued to the students by the university. Merit list can be checked by putting the roll number. Candidates only whose name appeared in the merit list could only be held eligible for the counselling session.

Some FAQs:

Q1) how many rounds are there for counselling?

An. The counselling process will be conducted in two rounds.

Q2) I wanted to take admission via sports quota so, how much seat is allotted to me?

Ans. Sportspersons will be allotted 2% of the total seats.

Q3) I have failed in chemistry in my class 10th board so, can I apply for Punjab polytechnic JET 2020?

Ans. No, you have to score qualifying mark in all the science subjects.

Q4) is there any age limit for this exam?

Ans. No there is no bar on age.

Q5) I am not a resident of India so am I eligible?

Ans. No, only candidates belonging to India can take part in this exam.

So, you might have got adequate information regarding Punjab polytechnic JET after going through this study. It might help you to successfully appear in the exam. For all the aspirants of Punjab JET, it is requested to please check their eligibility before they fill up their forms for avoiding any kind of inconsistencies.

Dharmesh Shrivastav
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