List of Medical Lab Technology Courses: Scope, Jobs & Salary

If you want to become Medical Laboratory technician after 10th, certain Diploma and Certificate courses will be of help to you. In this article, I’ve listed down medical laboratory technology courses, which can be pursued by 10th standard passed students. Details covered in this article includes course details, eligibility criteria, admission process, further studies and career prospects.


Also check –


MLT: Basic details

MLT stands for Medical Laboratory Technology. It is an important part of the allied healthcare sector. This discipline primarily deals with the collection, storage, preparation and testing of bodily samples (blood, urine, saliva, tissues etc) obtained from patients. MLTs usually worl under the supervision of qualified pathologists. Also check – Medical courses after 12th & science courses after 12th.


An MLT professional’s main task is to test and diagnose diseases in patients. Diagnosis is made by testing patients’ urine, blood or stool sample. State of the art diagnosis equipment and technology are used by medical labs these days. Medical lab technicians are trained to collect patients’ urine, blood or stool sample, mark/label it appropriately, test it, operate lab equipment and prepare a diagnosis report.


Medical laboratory technology is a paramedical course. After completing the course, one becomes an allied healthcare professional.


Without wasting any more time, let us check out the relevant courses-


List of Medical Laboratory Technology courses in India


1 MLT (Medical Laboratory Technology) certificate courses after 10th

Sr NoName of the courseDuration
1Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology1 year
2Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technician1 year
3Medical Laboratory Technician vocational training1 year


Duration: The course duration is usually 1 year.


Eligibility criteria: 10th passed from a recognized board (minimum qualification).


Admission process: Depends on the institute. Could be direct admission process or merit based admission process. In case of merit based admission, marks scored by the student in 10th board examination is taken into consideration. Seats are allotted to eligible deserving candidates on the basis of marks scored by them in the examination.


Further studies: Candidates possessing vocational MLT qualification & experience may apply for DMLT course. DMLT is a diploma level paramedical course.


Note: Please note that only few institutes offer CMLT (Certificate Medical Laboratory Technology) course in India. Reputed paramedical institutes offer only DMLT and BMLT/B.Sc. MLT programs in UG level. And these diploma & degree programs are meant for 12th passed candidates. So while securing admission, readers must check the reputation, credibility & accreditation status of CMLT institutes & programs.


After completing the Bachelor’s Degree course, one may go for further advanced courses like- M.Sc., PG Diploma and PG Certificate courses. To get into the research sector associated with the field of MLT, one may then go for PhD program!


2 MLT (Medical Laboratory Technology) diploma courses after 12th

Sr NoName of the courseDuration
1DMLT (Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology)2 years
2Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician2 years


Duration: The course duration is 2 years.


Eligibility criteria: Passed 12th standard with science subjects from a recognized board.


Admission process: Depends on the institute. Could be direct admission process or merit based admission process. In case of merit based admission, marks scored by the student in 10th board examination is taken into consideration. Seats are allotted to eligible deserving candidates on the basis of marks scored by them in the examination.


Further studies: After completing DMLT, candidates may apply for relevant Degree courses like BMLT or B.Sc. MLT.


3 MLT (Medical Laboratory Technology) Bachelor’s Degree courses after 12th

Sr NoName of the courseDuration
1BMLT (Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology)4 years
2B.Sc. MLT (Medical Laboratory Technology)4 years


Duration: The course duration is 4 years. This includes 1 year long internship program.


Eligibility criteria: Passed 12th standard with science subjects (Physics, Chemistry & Biology) from a recognized board.


Admission process: Depends on the institute. Could be direct admission process or merit based admission process. In case of merit based admission, marks scored by the student in 10th board examination is taken into consideration. Seats are allotted to eligible deserving candidates on the basis of marks scored by them in the examination.


Further studies: After completing BMLT or B.Sc. MLT, candidates may apply for relevant Master’s Degree courses like M.Sc. MLT, Master of MLT or PG Diploma MLT.


4 MLT (Medical Laboratory Technology) Master’s Degree courses after Graduation

Sr NoName of the courseDuration
1MMLT (Master in Medical Laboratory Technology)2 years
2M.Sc. MLT (Medical Laboratory Technology)2 years
3PG/Advanced Diploma programs1-2 years


Duration: The course duration is 2 years.


Eligibility criteria: Completed relevant Bachelor’s Degree course (BMLT or B.Sc. MLT) from a recognized university.


Admission process: Depends on the institute. Could be direct admission process or merit based admission process. In case of merit based admission, marks scored by the student in 10th board examination is taken into consideration. Seats are allotted to eligible deserving candidates on the basis of marks scored by them in the examination.


MLT scope & jobs

After completing Diploma or certificate MLT courses, one may work as a lab technician or assistant at medical laboratories in hospitals, clinics, public health centres or commercial labs.


Common recruiters include-

  • Government Hospitals
  • Private Hospitals
  • Clinics with in-house lab
  • Commercial Labs
  • Public Health Centres


Common job profiles available in front of MLT professionals include-

  • Medical Lab Technician
  • Medical Lab Assistant


After completing Bachelor’s Degree course, one may rise to the post of Medical lab supervisor or Lab analyst. After completing Master’s level course, one may even work as an instructor or teacher at paramedical education institutes. Completing the PhD program will help one build a career in the research and development sector associated with the field of medical laboratory technology.



At start, a lab technician could earn around 6-10k Rupees per month. Starting salary depends on the profile of the employer and job location. After gaining experience, one may move to better work places and thus improve the salary figure.

Arun Kallarackal
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64 thoughts on “List of Medical Lab Technology Courses: Scope, Jobs & Salary”

  1. I am HS Pass student, I pass Madhyamik exam at 66% number. But HS subject are Arts..but i know all pathological test. I working a pvt laboratory till 7 i want DMLT certificate..

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