Do you want to join the Indian Army after 10th? If yes, this article will be of help to you. Here, I’ve provided important details about the soldier tradesman (all arms) recruitment held by the Indian Army. This article covers topics such as – age limit, eligibility criteria, educational qualifications, test, syllabus, application process, important dates and selection process.
Soldier tradesman recruitment is carried out to enroll skilled soldiers who can serve as support staff. Each unit in the Indian Army is like a self sustaining society. To ensure its smooth functioning, skilled support staff is required.
Each unit has important sections like – gardens, vehicles, quarters, offices, canteens, stores and equipment. To maintain these sections, skilled staff is required. The main aim of soldier tradesman recruitment is to fill up such vacancies.
10th or ITI passed male candidates are eligible to apply for soldier tradesman posts. In cases of some trades, 8th passed is the minimum qualification required. We will check out more details about educational qualifications in the coming paragraphs.
Let us check out the different Soldier tradesman posts available in the Indian Army.
Table of Contents
Indian Army Soldier tradesman posts –
- Chef
- Hair dresser
- Store hand
- Animal store holder
- Ferrier
- Pioneers
- Postal
- Steward
- Artisan (wood)
- Artisan (painter)
- Artisan (metallurgy)
- Artisan (Tailor)
- Artisan (Musician)
- Equipment repairer
- Kennel man
- Washer man
- Mess keeper
- House keeper
Let us check out the eligibility criteria now.
Eligibility criteria
Educational qualifications required –
10th or ITI passed. For mess keeper and house keeper, 8th passed is the minimum qualification required.
Age limit –
17.5 to 23 years.
Physical standards-
Height: Western Himalayan Region (166 cms), Eastern Himalayan Region (160 cms), Western Plains Region (170 cms), Eastern Plains Region (169 cms), Central Region (168 cms), Southern Region (166 cms).
Medical standards –
- A candidate should have robust physique and good mental health.
- Chest should be well developed having minimum 5 cms expansion.
- Should have normal hearing with each ear and good binocular vision in both eyes. He should be able to read 6/6 in distant vision chart with each eye. Color vision should be CP – III (able to recognize white, red and green signal colors correctly as shown by Martin’s Lantern at 1.5 mtrs).
- Should have sufficient number of natural healthy gum and teeth i.e. minimum 14 dental points.
- Should not have diseases like deformity of bones, hydrocele and varicocele or piles.
- Soldier General Duty for infantry should have 6/6 eye sight.
Recruitment process
Soldier tradesman recruitment is carried out through ZRO (Zonal Recruitment Office). Your district falls under a specific ZRO in your state. Your application will be processed by the relevant ZRO.
Here’s a list of ZROs –
- Ambala
- Bangalore
- Chennai
- Danapur
- Jabalpur
- Jaipur
- Jalandhar
- Kolkata
- Lucknow
- Pune
- Shillong
- GRD Kunraghat Gorakhpur
- IRO Delhi Cantt
Under the supervision of ZROs, AROs (Army Recruiting Office) carry out recruitment rallies and CEE (Common Entrance Test).
Recruitment rally dates
ZROs conduct recruitment rallies throughout the year. They conduct open rally system to recruit candidates. Dates of such rallies and CEE are usually advertised in local newspapers and on the Join Indian Army website.
Readers are adviced to keep an eye on the official Join Indian Army website and leading dailies. For example, watch out for soldier tradesman recruitment for the year 2024 on the website and newspapers.
Exam and syllabus
To become a soldier tradesman, one must appear for the following tests –
- Physical Fitness Test
- Aptitude Test
- Medical Test
- CEE (Common Entrance Test)
The aptitude test is used to gauge the candidate’s proficiency in his chosen trade. CEE is a written test that tests the candidate’s knowledge in subjects such as – GK, Mathematics and Science.
Questions asked in the CEE exam will be of 8th, 9th and 10th standard level. Aptitude test questions will be related to the trade chosen by the candidate.
Also check out – Indian Army Open Rally
Final selection
The final selection will be merit based. Based on the marks scored by candidates in Physical Fitness Test, Aptitude Test and CEE, a merit list will be made. If your name features in the merit list, you will be selected to undergo further training!
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Hello sir iam a chef and i am want join i ndian army